Many people operate on external validation. Trump’s electoral success was an inversion of this, a man imposing himself on the world. He is key to understanding how we overcome the decline of the West.
Donald Trump’s recent election victory and the resulting public meltdown of progressives illustrates much of how today’s Western world works.
The reaction from those on the progressive Left is indicative of how they view life. Theirs is an existence driven by the need for external validation, where political ideas sink or swim on the basis of social approval from one’s peers.
The inherent merits of policy are less important, only their perceived benefit to advocates, based primarily on the opinion of one’s peers.
Trump’s success was an inversion of this, a man imposing himself on the world, indifferent to criticism. Unconcerned above all with social approval, at least from the perspective of the average person.
His victory is key to understanding how we may overcome it all.
Slaves to the opinions of others
The need to seek validation from outside ourselves is a weakness because it places power into the hands of others.
Inner drive is a strength because we retain much of that power within us.
We can seek feedback. We can test our ideas in the world. The process of trial and error has long been valued for this reason.
But the need to validate our sense of self by seeking endorsement from others is an impediment to a full life, a form of mental slavery many succumb to.
External validation is about reassurance, herd thinking and consensus. It often degenerates into groupthink. Both men and women can think like this, although it is more common in women.
None of these drive progress or success. They are examples of weak thinking not strong thinking.
Strong thinking, the kind that builds and maintains nations, requires internal drive, a sense of direction emanating from within. The ability to not be swayed by fads or emotion, to stick it out and see it through even when facing resistance.
This does not mean zero input from outside. But it does mean generating direction from within and using outside influence mainly to confirm and check for accuracy. Were my instincts correct? Is this still the right course of action to take? Should I change course?
It is the internal generation mechanism that is often absent in the weak-minded, especially the courage to trust one’s instincts.
We often disguise our need for external reassurance as some form of consensus building.
It can seem sensible to seek consensus, but, like democracy, it can also mean we are ruled by the beliefs and wishes of strangers. We are not free to act as we would.
Checking with others can become embedded in our behaviour and cultivates a hesitation that grows over time to a dependency on the views and confirmations of others.
The issue is one of dosage. Checking in with others to course correct works. Outsourcing serious decisions to another individual or a mob is a kind of psychic suicide.
Democracy, consensus, empathy, giving equal treatment to other ideas; it all sounds nice. But it seems to be a recipe for disaster in practice. It embeds weakness in society because it gives precedence to the feelings of others.
It can descend into an inability to stand one’s ground because all ideas become equal, other people’s goals and ambitions can then take precedence.
This is where we seem to be going in the West.
Nice means decline
In a world obsessed with cultivating likes from others, everyone’s views become equal as they carry some potential value. This novel idea is only prevalent in Western nations and represents a way of thinking most of the world believes is suicidal.
We see it most in European nations. They have wholly bought into the notion all views must be represented.
Many European countries embrace some form of proportional representation in their various parliamentary systems, so everyone’s views are to some extent represented. God forbid anyone accepts they lost. No one can be expected to have the enemy in charge so we must at least reflect the losers in parliaments. We then witness a series of coalition governments that no one would ever vote for.
Since “everyone” is represented there is less concern over government assuming new powers. The winner-takes-all approach primes us to understand our enemies may one day rule over us, so we are encouraged to strip any government of power like the US Constitution attempts to do. Shall not be infringed has become an alien concept in Europe, even in Britain and its former colonies despite originating in the English Bill of Rights.
And we see the results. The rise in authoritarianism that struggles to take hold in the United States.
Much of this is a result of the bland, grey mess of coalition-style governance. Because everyone gets an equal hearing, even the crazy, there are fewer barriers to pure government power because it can feel like your people are there taking care of things when they are in fact just actors wearing your colours.
The end result is usually dysfunction. Nothing works while the educated pretend it is superior because all views are in some sense reflected in a broken political circus where hard decisions are avoided lest we offend people who couldn’t muster enough votes to actually win their popularity contest. This effeminate farce is making a laughing stock of once capable countries.
Governance reduced to feelgood statements about inclusion and niceness. This is how the externally focused actually think. That’s why they accomplish so little. It is all about the likes. Their focus is always outside.
Words are violence
Words carry unusual weight when approval seeking takes hold.
Looking to others to bolster one’s sense of self means they only need to accuse you of sexism, racism or climate terrorism and they have you.
We are losing whole nations to this absurd quirk of the nice. People obsessed with getting some blessing from enemies who hate them, too cowardly to tell them to go fuck themselves.
Most “right-wing” parties and groups in Western nations are continually accused of being borderline Nazi racist genociders, always on the brink of some atrocity that only aggressive supervision, control and censorship can keep in check.
The targets of this nonsense implicitly agree and work hard to police their own people lest they offend their enemies. Right-wing commenters fall over themselves to reinforce progressive mantras so they look more reasonable.
They too insist abortion is healthcare and men can be women. They make a point of overlooking the corrosive effects of radical feminism, the decline of free speech and the destruction of education.
They will not discuss the effect of activist judges, the troubling influence of the billionaire class and the impact of their deep pockets, or the politicization of everything. These topics are politely ignored lest we offend some destroyer of civilization, all the while society’s foundations crumble under our supervision; the family, the courts, the police, politics, media and education, all of it targeted by well-funded hate movements we are being nice to.
So they become right-wing Liberals, which is to say they become left-wing in their thinking, accepting by default most of the talking points of the Left even while privately disagreeing.
And all because they live in fear lest someone accuse them of some form of “hate;” race hate, sex hate, climate hate, you name it. All it takes is words and you can neuter the opposition when it is dominated by those cultivating likes to bolster their weak sense of self.
That’s why Trump bothers them.
Low-T people talk too much
Trump is not ideal as a man, but is important as a concept signifying a change in direction.
He is pushing back against consensus, at least some of it.
He is someone with ideas acting on the world. Testing one’s mettle. Acting and doing, not talking.
His background is business, not politics. He is a dealmaker. Someone used to negotiating with an imperfect world as it is and navigating through reality. That alone puts him at odds with the progressive Left, lost as they are in their utopian headmazes.
Most of our problems are based on sophistry. Magic words, invertions, novel coinages and clever wordplay. The verbally skilled abusing their gifts to bamboozle. Global cooling, global warming, climate change, climate crisis, climate catastrophe and climate singularity; all words, all running out of steam as they escalate to maintain the buzz like linguistic junkies. That’s what happens to people not anchored to reality, they just keep going until we all notice the emptiness of their obsessions.
The antidote we sense is not more words, it is action. Ignore what others say and think and get moving.
Sophistry, and those convinced by it, has a powerful effect. It can cast a spell and anyone lacking critical thinking skills can struggle to escape its effect.
It is especially damaging to the thinkers and talkers. They are swayed by sophisticated sounding claptrap, like agonizing over the weather a century from now or emotionally charged accounts of historical events.
It evidently holds them back especially when combined with a need for external reassurance.
We must conclude, then, thinkers and talkers are not our future, only doers are. Most progressives are not even talkers, they are recyclers. They spout ideas implanted by others.
Oscar Wilde’s famous observation, that most people are other people, seems apt here. Many on the Left are enslaved by fictional narratives, implying they are not even other people but more akin to animated mannequins repeating all they have been told is important and current.
Today that is global temperatures eighty years from now, although in the past it was polar bears and the ozone layer which no one now talks about. The advocates of recently failed predictions are not even embarrassed as truth or facts are not the point. Avoiding sticking out is the point. Avoiding acting independently. Avoiding becoming a social outcast. What is that if not cowardice repurposed as cultural elitism?
That is why Trump bothers them so. He is indifferent to it all. The lawsuits, the accusations, the insults. He doesn’t care.
Trump is an archetype they deeply fear. He behaves like a high testosterone man. Decisive and unafraid to act on the world, to impose his will on his environment, indifferent to accusations that end the careers of lesser men.
This matters because it is not the talkers who will build tomorrow, despite the beliefs of the World Economic Forum and its lackeys. They don’t have what it takes and they know it, that’s why they obsess over social control mechanisms, like a cosmic insecure girlfriend they have to know where you are at all times because they are pathetic and desperate. They fear your autonomy so they seek to neuter it.
It is those who can’t be stopped by sophistry the Establishment target. When the isms no longer work things change. Racism, sexism, feminism; it is all nonsense. The bullshit artists are pushed aside since they have nothing concrete to offer except more words.
Trump’s victory is not about who is President. It is about what kind of people become prominent. The era of the talkers weaponizing language is coming to an end. Their words are having less effect. They are getting desperate.
Enough already
Watching the hopeless endlessly whine is tiring for the rest of us. But it is the way society panders to them that is damaging. It feels off. Mollycoddling inadequates angry at the world instead of laughing at them.
Socialists moaning about the unfairness of markets, feminists upset they aren’t men, and sexual oddballs desperate to convert the impressionable to their camp to feel a modicum of comfort at their hedonistic lifestyle choices. Welcome to today.
All this and more is driven by the need to seek reassurance and value outside of oneself and not a jot of awareness as to why this is bad despite millennia of philosophy spelling out the damaging effects of indulgence, hedonism, lack of discipline, envy, hate and inertia. It is all there for us to read if we wish.
Zero resilience, a mental state that should be understood then fixed, is instead championed as normal despite its abnormality. We must bend the world out of shape to accommodate them, feeding their weaknesses, indulging their fears. Reassuring them they are special.
Nations filled with external validation seekers, enslaved to the opinions of others, elevated above the productive and all to negotiate perceived feelings.
What a farce.
Does it bother you? Does it get to you? Have you noticed? Have you noticed in particular how few are concerned by any of it? Does anyone care because most seem indifferent.
For anyone who feels unsettled by these observations and the direction society has taken, there is hope.
That discomfort means they haven’t got to you. You are not one of the machines waiting for programmed instructions. You are not lost in the search for validation.
That means you must have some internal drive unlike so many others.
Even if you feel directionless the internal drive is probably still there while it has been jettisoned by so many others.
You must build on this and strengthen the impulse. This is the divine spark some possess, a precious gift, something to value even if it is currently underused in your life.
Creation can be anything from great symphonies and epoch-defining novels, to producing and raising children or building orphanages for others, it doesn’t matter. It is the existence of the drive itself that matters. That’s what the destructors are reacting to, that is what they sense so well in others, even those long dead and commemorated by memorials. The desire to build, to construct, the need to do something greater than oneself, perhaps even create something that will outlive us.
The external validators are so attuned to praise from others their sensitive antenna cannot help but pick up the energetic hum of an internal dynamo the active posses that they themselves lack, the desire to create and bring forth something new and vital. That act of creation they desire but cannot muster within themselves.
So they push the feeling away, they reject it using their fancy words. They condemn success and the attempts to succeed. They wordsmith themselves into a stagnating comfort zone the more active learn to step outside. Toxic masculinity, patriarchy, inequality. They reject the path using words and can only glorify failure. The victims get the medals; the loser gets a voice. Everyone is equal despite all evidence to the contrary.
They hate the drive to impose oneself on the universe because it triggers deep fears their search for approval can never quite mask. So they condemn the doers in all their forms.
And Trump. Him. Hated in irrational ways we can barely comprehend. He is a symbol of all they are not, all they can never articulate but is buried inside them anyway.
How could they not hate him? He shows them up for what they are. Cowards controlled by words living inside their heads.
But all they really do is remind the rest of us they cannot be the future. Perhaps some of their angst is this realization that their days are numbered.
Their fate is to be overtaken then forgotten.
No wonder they wail so loudly. No wonder the doers bother them so.
At the risk of being a "recycler", one of my favourite Oscar Wilde quotes follows.
"Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience and rebellion that progress has been made."
Trump doesn't obey.
Excellent stuff.