The Battle of Stalingrad was a protracted conflict on the Eastern Front of World War 2. Germany attacked the Soviet City, triggering a campaign that lasted from July 1942 to February 1943.
Stalingrad was one of the bloodiest battles of the war with both sides suffering considerable losses. The total dead stood at over two million.
The bleak reality of the event is difficult to read about even now. Many died from starvation and exposure to the Russian winter. Today, long after the battle itself, it is tempting to see it as a pointless waste of life. The folly of war writ large and perhaps even a microcosm of the war itself and its astronomical cost in human life.
The harrowing events of Stalingrad are now a computer game.
You can play a German or a Soviet soldier. Teenage boys can be a sniper and have fun in a simulation of fierce winter conditions while inside their warm home, pretending.
Real history reduced to entertainment.
This is not new. Hollywood has long been appropriating historical events to lend realism to its offerings. But this trivialization of the formerly sacred is worrying. And it won’t stop at famous battles.
Easily swayed, easily led and easily destroyed
Most are ignorant of history. If they know anything it is what they pick up from popular entertainment, not reading history books. This makes semi-complicated events tempting as targets to assist in furthering today’s narratives.
We learned this during Covid, which was largely a gullibility test. People could be convinced by actors on TV they were receiving tailored medical advice they ought to pay attention to.
Few bothered to verify, unable to override social pressure and think independently. They looked only at what others were doing and copied them.
Therefore, even with life-threatening situations many are susceptible to whatever they are told, especially if everyone else is going along with it. Those wishing to manipulate Western nations can rely on a majority being incurious about facts even when relatively easy to check. Minimal evidence is needed to make points stick.
This inevitably applies to historical events.
There is a natural tendency to rework the past as a prop or movie set anyway. But recently this process has accelerated. There is constant talk in European and North American nations of clearing out our museums and art galleries. All we have carefully preserved is being recast as colonialism and exploitation. The hated remnants of confident ancestors who built much of what we still rely on.
This destructive urge seems to be a variation on suicide. A variant because it is closer to murder. Those pioneering these ideas do not identify with the nation. In some cases they are resentful immigrants, in other cases the deranged who imagine they are wiping some cosmic slate clean of past sins they have been programmed to focus on, lacking as they do any real capacity to reflect or think.
This is the end result of the programmed masses, the products of our modern education system. Easily swayed, easily led and easily destroyed. They invite oblivion tomorrow to garner popularity today. The neocultured are the real vandals of society unaware of the scale of their own ignorance as their urge to fit in and be accepted overrides any sense of preservation.
The media is run by these people. Overly socialized and socially careful, a conveyer belt of identikit persons honed to respectable homogeneity through their cultural wind tunnels, the modern universities that churn them out in their thousands. Foot soldiers to the more realistic, they swim through the gelatinous currents of groupthink and yet believe themselves to be our cultural vanguards.
From the great publishing houses to Hollywood, advertising and journalism, they are doing literally nothing to defend or protect the amazing culture and heritage they have so benefited from. Quite the opposite as they are often the ones eroding it.
Trivializing the past
Stalingradification refers to the notion no matter how serious the original event, it will be reduced, hollowed out and worn like a disguise by those indifferent to its cultural importance. However much you cherish it, it means nothing to others. Its gravitas just makes it attractive for repurposing.
Allowing this to happen paves the way for the more energetic to destroy a society and ultimately its people. This is more than cultural blasphemy, it is an initial step in a process of erasure that we should pay more attention to.
Shallow examples include film studios reworking landmarks like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings as wokefests; platforms upon which to pontificate, indifferent to their original intent. There were no black hobbits in Tolkien’s original just as there are no gay Jedi in Lucas’s concept of celibate warrior monks upholding moral standards for an entire galaxy. Such considerations are unimportant to those who wish to use the popularity of existing material to lecture us about their utopian ambitions.
This is increasingly true of more serious cultural markers such as war memorials and great figures from the past who contributed so much to our nations.
Observe the progressive Left view of statues. Things to be removed to make their vision come true. No amount of education changes their anger. Emotion rules, and that emotion will destroy all it can reach.
And so it is for less concrete tributes to our astonishing history. First Amendments, Bills of Rights, Habeas Corpus and its equivalents. Even Magna Carta is being recast to support “hate crime” legislation, something a rational person would consider impossible. These aspects of our past are now openly denigrated, artifacts from a cruder, less enlightened age. Nonsense imposed by white men whom we must reduce to an underclass to right past wrongs.
Celebration of these past efforts is intolerable to some. It is therefore imperative we erase them, and it is easier to erase that which has been forgotten and left behind by society.
In America the removal of many Southern cultural monuments met no resistance at all as mysteriously well-funded faceless groups campaigned to vandalize their world. Everything associated with the South from their accents to their flags and their pickup trucks had long been ridiculed and reduced in importance, making it all the easier to simply demolish. By then it could be sold as a necessary corrective to a version of past events reconstructed to cater for today’s tastes, all carefully broadcast via a captured media machine to ensure opposing views were absent.
To our self-appointed cultural invigilators the destruction of statues of Robert E Lee was akin to removing effigies of Hitler or Genghis Khan; no evidence was needed for this position because it wasn’t a position, it was a feeling. The notion it was vandalism was inconceivable. Such is the nature of emotion. It easily circumvents the common sense we imagine will always prevail in Western nations and yet has been in decline for some time.
The descent of Southern culture in the US happened over only a few decades. It doesn’t take long once our civilization’s gatekeepers become university graduates who know better.
Their work is made easier when the seriousness of the past is displaced by the rush for dopamine, when the historical event is reduced to nothing more than window dressing to provide a dose of pseudo-realism so the shallow can be briefly distracted.
“Experiencing” Stalingrad as a computer game is just one example. The horrors of war softened enough to become entertainment, its cultural impact diluted and ultimately prepared for destruction. It is now a few hours of fun with its unimaginable depredations pixelated into irrelevance.
This is the most serious of human events, a cultural war grave abused by today’s fat, comfortable philistines, confident they will never find themselves embroiled in a war of attrition, running out of food and clean water as a lethal winter sets in to finish them off.
If we can reduce the importance of episodes like the Battle of Stalingrad imagine what can happen to your flag, your nation, your history and your family. Imagine how little some would care as these are debased and diminished, becoming background wallpaper for their enlightened plans to unfold. The hardships of your life reduced to nothing more than a veneer of realism for someone else’s escapist fiction.
Preservation matters
If we tolerate cultural erasure, we have nothing upon which to build. Preservation, then, is the basis for progress. That is why the neurotic target the foundations of society while repurposing even the word “progress.” What “progressive” has ever progressed anything? What have they built upon and improved?
Why are their monuments George Floyd murals and mutilated children? Where are their cathedrals and museums? Where are their prayers and hymns to echo into eternity? Where are their great symphonies and works of art?
Why are their belief systems a nullification of life? From the promotion of deviant sexual activities to abortion, none of it celebrates the gift of creation itself because it can’t. They are reactionaries. Their philosophy is a negation of that which has already been brought into existence. By necessity they must oppose the creative process, an attitude often apparent in all they say and do. They are anti-creation and anti-life; that means they are death.
Much of what the modern progressive Left touch ceases to be, and quickly too. The George Floyd murals are already flaking away into oblivion and the fate of the “transitioned” is sterility and premature death. Impermanence is their creed which is why its antithesis in the form of remembrance, tradition and convention are so ruthlessly targeted. The antichrist stands among us armed with a cultural flamethrower, ready to burn it all down because conception, creation and construction is absolutely intolerable to the inept. The impotent don’t cheer on life. How can they? Life and its vitality is an insult to them and all they represent.
Our culture cannot become some social buffet a death cult gets to pick and choose from. It is not something needing modernized or upgraded and nor is it to be replaced with today’s fleeting whims.
The key word is preservation. The alternative to this is not an enlightened reworking of our cultural landscape to encourage “inclusion” or “representation.” The alternative to preservation is destruction. It is vandalism, and vandalism is illegal. In a rational society illegal activities are countered with punishment, not endorsement or debate.
This includes cultural vandalism. Our culture and heritage is not some array of options to be repurposed to appease the mentally disturbed among us, unable to manage their emotions. This is especially true of history.
The past is to be preserved and understood. It is to be learned from and cherished. From statues and museums to works of literature and art, we must expel the vandals from our cultural playground. They lack the sophistication or manners to join us. They must be exiled from polite society until they meet our standards.
The standard is not even high. It is not agreement or reverence, it is simply hands-off that which isn’t yours. At its core it is a libertarian argument, an assertion of property rights even. This is ours and we wish to preserve it for future generations.
In other words, there is no debate required. Destruction must be met with a confident NO.
That begins by refusing to partake in bastardizations of great events, or the erosion of culture because it offends some loud minority. Those brown Vikings and gender fluid ancestors are more than absurd, they are trivializing. They paper over real history. They obscure who our ancestors were and their importance to us. They diminish the importance of our heritage and culture for their own ends. They indulge stupid fantasies from those who live inside their heads and for whom fantasy is all too real and often misused to condemn the imperfect real world we live in.
So watch out for the Stalingradification of your world and speak up when it happens. The trivializing of important cultural landmarks is usually the beginning of a steep decline that may well end with the complete erasure of all we are. Just ask the rednecks in the United States how fast that can happen.
Do your bit by spotting when it happens and resisting if you can. Take your history and heritage seriously or lose it to the determined who hate you. Celebrate it whenever possible and exile the emotional and their worthless fantasies. Understand Stalingradification happens in increments, and we must fight to retain it or lose it all.
I would hazard an opinion that the opening ceremonies of the latest Olympic games were a "Stalingradification" of what was once the noble endeavour to determine the best athletes of this world. It is a perfect word and deserves to go viral.
The part about suicide really grabbed me. Someone once said (I forget attribution but it was a modern psychiatrist; it's not made up) that mass murder is suicide turned outward. At some point I plan to write about the narcisissm required for either (both) of these life extinguishing events. Until then, suffice to say that the pathology of destruction-without-rebuilding is something we should all question strongly, if not oppose entirely.