Our nations seem broken.
There is a palpable sense of decay. Those in positions of authority are indifferent to our concerns and give every impression they will happily rule over a pile of rubble just so long as they rule. They ignore much of what bothers us.
Their vision is the same as almost every other elite group around the world. It is primarily based on control, surveillance and restriction. Central bank currencies, digital IDs, biopassports, control of healthcare, travel restrictions, and even managing the food supply.
These define today, and individuals drawn to social engineering schemes now run most of the major countries.
Our ruling class have a vision, and it is perfect because it exists only inside their minds. Your sensible criticism of some policy that is destroying your locale or your nation is taken as an attack on this vision and provokes outrage not serious consideration. Polite protests about climate taxes or concerns about mass immigration are increasingly met with hard power, including police action and jail sentences.
Such overreactions are the sign of a guiding philosophy that blinds its adherents to reality.
The rise of populism is a good example. From Trump in America to the AfD in Germany, they are obvious reactions to their insanity but seen as outright fascism emerging exclusively from the backwardness of populations they wish to rule. Our leaders are not to blame, we are. Us and our stupidity. We refuse to see the Big Picture.
You are the enemy
It is difficult to stress how out of touch our leaders are. These condemnations of populism are reflections of their descent into an abyss from which they cannot escape.
You are the enemy, make no mistake. You live in a squalid real world they hate and wish to destroy.
Your concerns reinforce their superiority, their preoccupation with abstract notions they imagine escape your attention. From oceanic temperature fluctuations to microaggressions, your indifference is perceived as ignorance; an inability to grasp the sophisticated aspects of civilization they are so well attuned to.
So you have to go. You must be sidelined, impoverished and then replaced. This is already happening.
The structures of democracy have been hijacked to serve these ends. They pay lip service to elections and other processes designed to keep them in check. Witness their reactions to genuine democratic movements where people vote for the wrong things. They are often enraged at the stupidity of ordinary people but disinclined to pay attention to their concerns.
They have ideas of how things ought to be, and they will not let laws or constitutions or conventions stop them.
These are the insane. The professional class continually disgusted with the concerns of normal people which they must recast as abnormal to save their own mental models.
They gaze at the stars while we wonder who will fix the potholes in the roads.
We cannot bridge this difference in perception as it is too vast.
Some remain grounded
What they misunderstand is their enemy isn’t you. Their enemy is real life. It is the relentless unfolding of reality that disturbs them.
Almost everything we see is a consequence of their absurd outlook on life. Their contempt for normality; conventional male-female relations, intact families, industry and manufacturing at home, solid finances and some sense of fiscal security. All these and more are seen as pedestrian, a poor substitute for the spectacular tomorrow only they can deliver.
The educated mind imagines it sees further. It aims higher because it grapples with cosmic justice while you writhe in the mud, a social amoeba to their god-like presence agonizing over their impressive ambitions to better humanity. What’s with all this chatter about energy prices or leaving people in peace? We have a world to fix. We have a vision.
The resulting populism isn’t fascism. It is common sense, a dose of reality using the tools we still have at our disposal.
No one wants uncontrolled immigration or dead power stations, especially during difficult times. When polls are taken there is often robust pushback against all their schemes. Ordinary people are not fooled precisely because they tend to remain grounded whereas our social engineers live in their heads.
When you see a politician enraged about criticism of climate policy while people worry how they will afford heating or food you see the schism, the break from reality.
These delusions are consuming them as reality asserts itself.
Broken minds create broken ideas
And what of the widespread decline we see?
We are not witnessing the destruction of society but the destruction of unwanted societal changes. None of it works. When given a choice many reject travel restrictions, digital IDs, the destruction of farming, the hassle about gender, obsession with sexual oddities; we are sick of it all. We want to go back to normal.
Trump’s presidential victory is the beginning of undamaged people taking back control, not the end. Ordinary people are tired of the invented agendas. They worry about food prices and jobs not transphobia or green energy.
Trump and AfD are not the last word, just the reaction to now. A small dose of normality seeping into an otherwise toxic world ran by clowns. An imperfect reaction to our descent but a reaction nonetheless.
These events are interesting primarily because the extreme backlashes from establishment figures reflect their real outlook on life. Nothing can be permitted to interrupt their plans. Reconsidering them is unthinkable no matter how people vote.
They brand their enemies as fascist thugs who require harsh treatment and broadcast this through captured media that now lacks the reach it once did.
Even worse, the recipients of these proclamations are themselves becoming nervous, the university-educated professionals who run everything. The depredations are beginning to encroach on them too. Real life cannot be avoided only delayed a little if you have the money.
But even then they still cling to their downloaded mental models while reality destroys them. Diversity, climate alarmism, transmadness. These have given easy meaning to their otherwise empty lives and are difficult to relinquish since the alternative is to inhabit a real world they find distasteful.
Witness the response to Trump’s electoral success. Shock and disbelief. They cannot fathom who would vote for such a hated figure. By their calculation only low-IQ savages would do so, but the numbers demonstrate this cannot be the case. The unavoidable conclusion is a wide cross section of society voted for Trump, too many to write off as fringe lunatics and racists.
The response to the election results demonstrates what we are dealing with. The framing betrays their limited thought processes uncritically adopted to shape a convenient worldview, despite their belief they are intellectually superior to the masses. Fascism, Hitler, Nazis. Trump will start WW3 or ban women from abortions. He will reinstate slavery.
None of this can be deduced from anything Trump said or did. That means it must come from elsewhere.
It emerges from their echo chambers, an invention to maintain a useful perspective. All my enemies are irrational and evil. They are fascists; backward yokels who don’t get it.
If they don’t fortify their absurd views in this way they are forced to reexamine their own notions about how the world works and that is too painful to contemplate. These ideas have shaped their sense of identity. Doubt causes deep existential worry and that cannot be.
So they write off these setbacks as enemy action. A brainwashed public easily swayed by right-wing demagogues, providing greater incentives to rule even harder because the population are imagined as morons who need guidance. Told what to eat, what to watch and what to think. Ushered forward into a future only the enlightened fully comprehend.
This purgatory is midwit heaven. This is what we are losing our nations to, a technocratic vision of bad science fiction and social control they think is enlightened because they have been told it is.
Their worst nightmare
Elite-driven manipulations are wearing thin as our world disintegrates before us while they try to sell a vision of tomorrow that is not manifesting despite the trillions spent.
They are enraged their vision has failed. They believe it failed because of you. Your backward obsession with irrelevances like family life, nation, patriotism, normal sexual relations and the sanctity of childhood. These old-fashioned things are due for an upgrade you are blocking.
So they resort to the Scooby Doo defence. It would have worked if it wasn’t for those pesky kids insisting on heating their homes and feeding their children actual food instead of slop produced in a chemical plant like we suggested. Don’t they understand we only have twelve years to save the planet? How can we solve systemic racism if we don’t teach children about gender fluidity?
Our future is not them, because it can’t be. Even with trillions they couldn’t manage to bring their vision to life. And they had it all, from NGO money to entire legislatures in their pockets, all ushered along by a media that protected them and yet it is still collapsing.
It is failing because it is a set of half-baked plans developed by incompetents who think themselves elites. They are the ultimate diversity hires, handpicked because they believe all they are told. Their elevation was a result of their willingness to accept approved ideas while avoiding the discomfort of testing them.
The collapse we are witnessing is caused by the brittleness of unchallenged assumptions and novel experiments around inclusion over competency, gender equality over human nature, and the attempt to normalize abnormal behaviours instead of using self-discipline to suppress them and reaping the secondary benefits of the mental fortitude it encourages.
The changes they have wrought haven’t worked. Their brave new world is a disaster even for them. They are no one’s future.
Today is defined by this war between third-rate visionaries and people with normal concerns about their actual lives. It currently manifests as a fight between globalists and nationalists, those who imagine a borderless world of no culture versus a stable locale made up of people like ourselves with established customs and conventions, anathema to elites and their dreams of bland economic zones packed with replaceable populations with no shared past, all the easier to control. But it transcends nationalism or migration patterns.
It is a battle between technocratic control and personal autonomy, and it will define our lives.
What the technocrats and their minions worry about is not the rise of National Socialism or, indeed, racism and sexism. These are just Magic Words they use to keep us all in check.
What they really fear is a self-governing, autonomous individual indifferent to their propaganda and manipulations. The masculine ideal, internally driven and unmoved by their sentimental ideas about money, ethnicity or sex. A realist able to assess the world as it really is, warts and all.
This is dangerous to those who cannot cope with reality and whose impulse is to improve it. Individuals who can work within reality, and make it work to their advantage, are anathema to dreamers.
Anything taking us in this direction is feared, from entrepreneurs starting businesses to young men lifting weights or even women desiring families, all is condemned by today’s social engineers because it threatens their place in the scheme of things. They are the ones steering our lives so we cannot be allowed to free ourselves from their wisdom.
They intend to win, first through destruction then by encouraging dysfunction; both are well under way. Every major institution is now in the hands of those who despise us and our heritage and our normality. These are dangerous to them.
We are under attack like never before and the willing foot soldiers of global elites believe they are doing God’s work so they are motivated to continue beyond any semblance of sanity, from destroying power stations to infiltrating education.
But it all originates from inside their minds. This is its great weakness. The appeal of these schemes is their very unworldliness, their promise to transcend the normal constraints everything else faces, from financial restrictions to the laws of physics. Witness how student socialists wax lyrical about the joys of centralization and state control by the enlightened; they imagine social harmony and an easy life for all. Fantasy is always appealing because it skims over hard reality. It is all icing and no cake.
These mental models have been uncritically adopted by our technocratic managers and have now fused to become part of their identity. In doing so they jettisoned any chance of objective reality informing their schemes.
Everything they care about is a fiction to satisfy a psychological need they cannot confront, so they must conquer your mind instead and convince you all their fictions are real. You must adopt their viewpoint. You must believe in systemic racism and the imminent death of the planet despite lack of evidence for either, otherwise their mental models are exposed for the fairy tales they are.
The battleground, then, is us. The field of combat is our minds.
The war we fight is to retain our independence, agency and autonomy they so desperately fear. They cannot be in control if we are in control of ourselves. From food to porn, their plans are greatly aided by sloth and weakness which they encourage at every turn.
That is what we must remember and cultivate in others. Self-reliance, independence of thought and a willingness to go our own way in life. Building communities of the like-minded, those who reject the hallucinations of our self-appointed masters. It needn’t be grand, it just needs to exist to give others hope.
And such grounded real-world communities have the immense advantage of being reality-based, an overlooked strength which is difficult to combat with propaganda.
That is the ultimate defence, a mental moat. Life in the real world. Men aren’t women just as children aren’t small adults with sexual impulses. There is no equality in nature, only hierarchies of ability. Performative niceness just means other people’s perceptions govern your actions, which in turn means you are easy to manipulate. If people act like animals that’s how we treat them, we don’t agonize over systemic inequality or notions of unfairness; we hang them or jail them. It isn’t complicated for those who live in the real world. It is refreshingly straightforward.
Reality is where it’s at. Reality is what our elites and their minions have declared war on. So live there and keep out of your head. Develop your mental moat and remember they want your mind above all else, so don’t give it to them.
Be fully you and fight this good fight. Disengage from the machine and live your own life. Then teach others how you did it.
An easy act of rebellion is this:
Whenever someone "normal" utters support or acts understanding to a stupid but politically correct notion, challenge them. Politely of course, even friendly - absolutely not condescending or holier than thou or such.
Using a local example: here, you have to pay to the council a fee for your sewage-well, when it is emptied. Which is twice yearly, by mandate. If you need more, you pay extra. So far, nothing strange, right?
Well, but what about those like me) who only needs i emptied out every 18 months or so? The rule about twice yearly is based on an average, you see, and not that the well is full up.
What I do is, I simply ask the person I'm talking to (if waste-handling is the topic: stock up on good examples so you have a couple for each topic*) if they think it right that the council can force me to pay for what I don't want and don't need, adding the query "It's as if the think I can't lift the lid and call a for someone with a pump-truck to come empty it out when I need to", this because framing it like that makes the absurdity and unfairness clear.
So far, the only person opposing this is the village communist, a certified party-member who has to respond according to the party line which is that systems geared towards individual freedoms and rights are unfair. You can see him chafe having to do so, because he knows he's wrong but hasn't solved the internal conflict between self-image and actual actions/words of his yet.
One person at a time, we can do it, because everyone we reach who also start saying "No! By what right?" to authority is another soldier for freedom.
*Being a retired teacher, this is home-street for me, but do consider it: it helps avoid the typical crank-reflex of tying everything anyone says to your own hobby-horse topic. People don't listen if they start a conversation about how horrible the war in Ukraine is, and you try to tie it to the WEF and mandatory fluoridation of tap water.
Get a stable of hobby-horses instead, so to speak.
It took technocrats 70 years to burn through 7000 years of social capital.