At the recent general election in Britain the Labour Party won a supermajority and are now the ruling party in parliament. They beat the incumbent Conservative Party who lost some 250 seats, although are still the largest opposition party.
Those on the Left are naturally claiming this is a great leftward shift in Britain, as if an island already known for mass surveillance, censorship, jailing people for posting memes, ultra-high taxes and mega welfare systems is some bastion of right-wing extremism that required correction.
In practice it was a calm transfer of power from one set of Establishment puppets to another.
In Britain there are enough fringe parties to mop up dissident votes to give the illusion of choice. The Reform party on one side, and for many the Greens on the other. Between them they got fewer than ten seats out of 650 but attracted millions of votes that would have either went elsewhere or simply stayed at home, reducing the credibility of the election overall. A threat expertly neutralized.
Changing of the guard
Power is very much still in the hands of an Establishment who have clear goals that remain unchallenged. There are superficial changes based on the ostensible nature of the party elected. In this case the Labour Party are supposedly on the Left, implying some kind of anti-establishment bent.
Anyone who thinks this is the case should remember its leader, now the current Prime Minister, was the chief prosecutor who jailed Julian Assange on behalf of a rattled elite. The notion they are anti-establishment is laughable. He already has a knighthood, for example.
There will be immediate consequences to convince people something has changed, that we are no longer ruled by “conservatives.”
Taxes will rise quicker, immigration will be more openly embraced, and job quotas favouring foreigners and minorities are to become much more aggressive with harsher penalties for those who challenge this.
There is talk of backroom deals with cultural groups who helped get Labour into power, including blasphemy laws and pandering to other sensitivities we used to laugh at. Such is progress in the modern age.
That is to say, it is business as usual, except the destruction will happen a bit quicker in some areas. In all important respects everything is as it was before the election.
Less flag waving
One superficial difference that is arguably good is the Conservative Party had to at least pretend to be patriotic and pro-British while dancing to the globalist tune.
Occasional off-message comments from former party leaders about the need for many millions of foreigners to move to Britain in the coming years, in contrast to the official line, were unforeseen mistakes they struggled to hide even with a tame media. But for the most part they waved their Union Jack flags and pretended to agonize over immigration, the erosion of trust and the rise in violence we now see in our cities. There was lots of patriotic handwringing.
No such worries with the new bunch. They’ve been anti-British for so long they no longer even pretend to like the country. It all has to go. Sometimes they try to dress it up as some kind unforeseeable event, that the “changing face” of a more “international” Britain has forced their hand in some unspecified way and we all have to accept this unexpected new thing dissidents had predicted for decades.
But that is rare and becoming rarer as their confidence grows. It has been a long time since the Labour Party, once the party of the working man, has tolerated the British working class who are now seen as irredeemable racists to be driven into poverty. They have long since abandoned them and now feel confident enough to show genuine contempt for their existence.
Reality bites
One ray of hope is that reality exists. The Labour Party are an almost perfect manifestation of globalist technocratic ideals. A personification of an inhuman, bureaucratic machine that views people as carbon-based units to be moved around like chess pieces on a country-sized board.
Much of the Labour Party lives inside this post-modern bubble where life is about battling transphobia, climate extinction, the constant threat of nazi white supremacy and an assortment of other inventions.
These things are fine when the going is good, as is the case with all luxury beliefs. They are the product of an easy life. Alas, the Labour Party have an unerring capacity to make just about anything less productive as do all socialists. So a small ray of hope over the next five to ten years is they will create so much hardship some of the luxury beliefs that elevated them into power will have to be discarded.
It is difficult to imagine anyone agonizing over their pronouns when their children are being ignored for jobs and cannot afford to buy houses while we are told the number one threat to the country is people posting memes.
It is not much to pin our hopes on, but it is something.
Ultimately this may be our best hope. Real life and its inbuilt constraints. Their utopian ideas about open borders and universal basic income meeting hard reality head on.
Total disconnect
We get the impression those involved in the recent election care nothing for such hate facts. The Reform Party leader, Nigel Farage, raised them from time to time and was castigated as an extreme hard-Right fanatic because he correctly pointed out mass immigration had flooded the health service, the education system and dramatically reduced housing availability. All this is arithmetic. All this is genuinely seen as completely undiscussable.
The media had multiple meltdowns when anyone approached normal issues the majority wish to see tackled. The level of disconnect between journalists, with their intellectual pimps in academia, and the rest of us is probably insurmountable. A chasm of understanding about how the world works.
Britain is dying. Shoring it up with foreigners who are given priority for jobs and housing won’t change that. The people really running the country are running out of ideas so they are visibly doubling down on their existing ones, the grand visions that have brought us here to this desperate place.
The same is happening across the Anglosphere countries; the US and Canada are dying too. No one in the elite class knows how to turn things around. They no longer even pretend. It is all about holding on to power. They give every impression they will rule over a pile of rubble just so long as they can rule.
Handing the baton to Labour is probably the last gasp of the elites currently running the show in Britain. There is a palpable sense of desperation in the air, and a real fear more and more are inevitably waking up to what is really happening in the country and how close they are to ruin and worse.
A rude awakening
Although many are still deluded. Those who have naively classed the recent decline of Europe as some capitalist scheme to exploit the masses and easily solved by a leftwing party are in for a very rude awakening. Although it should be understood there was no large move to vote Labour, just a failure to vote Conservative. No one was convinced by the election messages. Turnout was not strong. Few are really voting for parties, just against worse ones.
No one in Labour has any idea how to improve Britain. Like the Democrats in the US or the Liberals in Canada they have been hijacked by progressives who cannot fully grasp reality never mind conjure up solutions to the enormity of the bureaucratic state, government overreach and the collapse of infrastructure, trust and social cohesion.
Their minds are drawn instead to the non-existent tyranny of a white heteronormative patriarchy aggressively burning fossil fuels while profiting from their privilege as they scheme and plot to exploit even more brown people and women. They are absolutely lost.
If we had to pick one word to sum up the drive that animates Labour members it is resentment. An astonishingly destructive force the election has now unleashed.
Waiting in the wings to assist in their coming pogrom is the Online Harms Bill, handily prepared by the previous “conservative” government which they managed to spin as somehow upholding our long tradition of free speech. The gulags won’t be long in coming.
Accelerated decline
Labour therefore can only accelerate the decline. Insomuch as normal people need to wake up their ideas and stop voting for clowns who hate them, this helps.
We are at a stage there is no one to vote for, so exposing the plan seems to be the next best option.
Will it help? Are there enough fence-sitters for it to work? People totally oblivious to the Deep State, the globalists keen to lower wages through immigration, the endless insanity of invented rights for every Tom, Dick and Harry who has a mental health crisis and needs attention? Probably. There are certainly some.
The Conservatives are likely finished as a serious party despite being in second place. Their votes probably came from the cautious Boomer cohort unable to quite let go of the politics of the last fifty years. Their grandchildren voted for Reform, so that is something.
But what we will probably learn over the next ten years is a much harder lesson, one Thatcher warned about. Some things you can vote yourself into, but you will have to shoot your way back out of. That seems to be what is now taking place as Britain’s middle classes slowly realize the world they have tacitly ushered into existence is growing more precarious by the day.
They are learning much of what defines Britain is rare throughout the world. And now they have invited the world here it is disappearing along with healthcare, prosperity, jobs, personal security and even our world famous culture and heritage.
Our Establishment have clearly decided to destroy us and Labour’s win reflects their continued victory. There are some signs a modest number are beginning to waken up to what is happening to them, although still a stubborn refusal to seriously remove the mainstream players who got us here.
What will the future bring? More pain. Labour’s victory is about to meet reality head on. We have no real industry, we have high taxes, a vast welfare system, colossal numbers of state dependents, many foreigners indifferent to our customs further eroding social cohesion, and a suicidal obsession with climate, diversity and activities that lower the birth rate. None of this is the sign of a healthy society. Absolutely no discussion of these issues is allowed beyond condemnation of naysayers. Our tame media is in fact a key plank in our downfall as with all Western nations. They move in lockstep with the very Establishment they claim to report on.
But real life will inevitably assert itself. Labour winning an election will make zero difference as the same elites, the same vast civil service, and the same parasitic network of NGOs and hangers on is still in existence.
The permanent technocratic government has not changed no matter what sock puppets in parliament and on TV tell us. The circus continues while the decline accelerates. Expect more of the same except this time with more bile and fewer Union Jacks.
You have to admire the beauty of managed democracy and how it turns widespread discontent that might lead to a revolt in a simple churning within the elite. People vote for the other wolf and feel like they accomplished something.
Not alarming but sad, given the slow erosion which has just been accelerated. Across the ocean the same complacency has/is taking place----until all their empty promises(lies) implode in everyone’s faces, then what!?! God Save and Bless the True Believers!!!