Jul 7Liked by Spaceman Spiff

You have to admire the beauty of managed democracy and how it turns widespread discontent that might lead to a revolt in a simple churning within the elite. People vote for the other wolf and feel like they accomplished something.

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Indeed. Quite impressive in its own way.

I do sense that era is coming to an end. Real life will have its say.

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Jul 7Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Not alarming but sad, given the slow erosion which has just been accelerated. Across the ocean the same complacency has/is taking place----until all their empty promises(lies) implode in everyone’s faces, then what!?! God Save and Bless the True Believers!!!

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'The permanent technocratic government has not changed no matter what sock puppets in parliament and on TV tell us.'

Yes it has- because of the pandemic we now have 600,000 civil servants, rather than 400,000. I had been trying to find out that information for ages, before it suddenly dropped into my lap, through a recent interview of a retired civil servant on Sky News. Of course, this figure doesn't include the legions of administrative officers and admin assistants based within our patchwork of local councils.

Here's something you will appreciate. I recently watched a two minute speech by James Lindsay at the UN. This in turn led to a longer podcast in which he discusses the mad and deranged goals of the modern UN based upon the unhinged plan for a global government first penned by Robert Muller. More concerning are the semi-religious theosophical works of Alice Bailey and the ways in which they have become embedded in the UN through the Lucis Trust.

Here is part of a disclaimer on the Lucis Trust website under the heading The Esoteric Meaning of Lucifer:

'There are comments on the World Wide Web claiming that the Lucis Trust was once called the Lucifer Trust. Such was never the case. However, for a brief period of two or three years in the early 1920’s, when Alice and Foster Bailey were beginning to publish the books published under her name, they named their fledgling publishing company “Lucifer Publishing Company”. By 1925 the name was changed to Lucis Publishing Company and has remained so ever since.Both “Lucifer” and “Lucis” come from the same word root, lucis being the Latin generative case meaning of light. The Baileys' reasons for choosing the original name are not known to us, but we can only surmise that they, like the great teacher H.P. Blavatsky, for whom they had enormous respect, sought to elicit a deeper understanding of the SACRIFICE made by Lucifer.'

This 'great teacher', H.P. Blavatsky, was a noted occultist and theosophist. In general, theosophy is orientated towards the occult- think New Age with darkly dystopian undertones aimed at a future utopia in which humanity has been subverted and reengineered through ideological indoctrination- a Western Maoist Cultural Revolution.

If this shit was fiction, it would violate the suspension of disbelief. It's even more deranged than the WEF ideology, with its insistence on seeing the world through the lens of the thoroughly disproven works of Paul R. Ehrlich.

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I suspect we will find those who make it in these organizations have all sorts of odd ideas about how the world ought to run.

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Jul 7Liked by Spaceman Spiff

As George Galloway so nicely puts it, two cheeks of the same arse.

Yes Starmer was responsible for a lot of Julian Assange's struggle but even worse because it affected so many young people, when Jimmy Saville was still alive the police had got a good case against him, it was Starmer who refused to let the prosecution of him go ahead. Which gave him more time to mess up so many more young lives.

Then of course there was the Cliff Richard fiasco, don't worry Cliff we'll let the arrest go ahead but get the BBC cameras up above so you'll come out looking shiny clean and be able to sue them instead. Clever?

And to make it worse another Israel fan, must be that Jewish bloodline getting in the way again, Jewish wife to boot and children of course being brought up in the Jewish faith. I wish all those with the bloodline in the Pedophiles Parliament would just move to Israel , that would clear a lot of seats all in one go, though it wouldn't solve the problem of the City of London.

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Nothing warms the heart more having read an excellent piece on our rapid decline than someone carefully shoehorning in some contempt for my bloodline and neatly sidestepping the Islamic colonisation of Britain which has wrought that much more carnage upon it than Judaism. I must remember to update my kiddy porn in the morning before popping off home to Israel or whichever gas chamber you’d rather I stepped into Veronica. Thanks for the toppest of tips.

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My contempt is reserved for the fake Jews not like the genuine Jews I lived alongside at Stamford Hill, London a couple of decades ago. The fake bloodline that has I infiltrated Parliament and the upper echelons of England since the days of the British India Tea Company.

As for your Islamic take over of Britain, it's just as well that British whites are 83% of here then and the bulk of the 8.6% of Asian British are not the radicalised kind and of course are not all Muslims.

As for the cheap shot about gas chambers, don't be so ridiculous.

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Jews in other words are no different to any other strata of the population then. Fake Jews Fake Tories Fake Socialists and very very Fake Christians. We have one running the CoE. Except *somehow* they’re always singled out. And in so doing they creates a narrative and drives it. So the gas chamber jibe not so ridiculous after all!

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I agree about the fakes in the categories you named, no argument there from me. The gas chamber jibe is ridiculous to me simply because no matter how I feel about someone, not just Jews, I don't believe in putting them to death, it's beyond my way of thinking and would make me no better than whoever affected me.

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Jul 9Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Ok, Britain may have to shoot its way out of this ... but there is still a chance of democracy in 5 or so years if the disaster that she has now voted for forces her people to wake from the nightmare of comfortable totalitarianism.

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Jul 10Liked by Spaceman Spiff

The only thing keeping them asleep is comfort, which is quickly eroding. Ultimately, the elite's plan is to reduce the working class to a servile class of helots, which is inevitable unless they revolt.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Author

The natives are to become an underclass, starting with the working classes. But it also includes the middle class and that is beginning to happen.

As diversity gets pushed harder then someone has to step aside. And we know who is stepping aside.

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Jul 10Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Yes, I didn't mention that, but the middle class is getting gradually squeezed out of existence, all according to plan.

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Jul 8Liked by Spaceman Spiff

The Tories are done. The half of their vote that didn't collapse is based on Boomers. They are animated by a lightweight mirror image of the unreality and resentment you correctly attribute to Labour. The Boomers will age out, and for those that don't, reality will start to bite. I hate to get all Marxist about it but as you imply, material circumstances are going to increasingly politicise not just the native population but everyone who's made it over the border and want to protect their gains from those who would follow after them.

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