When using the Notes function, Substack occasionally shows suggestions of authors I may be interested in. I rarely click these. I have learned to tune them out as most seem to bear no relation to my reading choices.
Recently on a whim I randomly clicked one. I had no idea who the person was or what kind of topics they wrote about.
The very first article was entitled America Is About to Get Her First Woman President. This was in response to Kamala Harris’s announcement about running for President.
The opening paragraph asked this question: Are you thrilled that a comparatively young, beautiful, vibrant, brilliant former Senator and ex-Prosecutor will soon trounce Donald Trump?
The article was brief and represented a break from reality so great it could only have been parody. Yet the author seemed to genuinely believe the only person more suited to the presidency than Kamala Harris was Biden himself, a mentally compromised individual forced out of the race by his handlers.
Then I started skimming through the comments. Almost five hundred of them. This was not a fringe author with a tiny following.
At the risk of sounding naive I was aghast at the views of the commenters. They seemed to live in a different world from me. Almost every point they made represented an unfiltered view of mainstream propaganda. There didn’t seem to be much in the way of critical thinking. Just Orange Man bad, brown woman much better because she is not a white man.
Everything was a recycled media talking point. No one in the comments seemed to be applying any critical thinking.
Are these the fabled NPCs we keep hearing about? People whose entire thought process is just a series of downloaded slogans?
The comments certainly made for sobering reading. Not an ounce of critical thinking on display.
Here are just a few typical examples.
Joe Biden is the best president since LBJ
Many commenters seemed upset and surprised Joe Biden had dropped out. This is a typical one.
No commentary about his obvious dementia, that he cannot be running the country or making any decisions. Just lots of praise for his smooth handling of things. His decency in stepping aside despite the fact it is widely understood he was ousted against the will of his team.
Here is another typical view, a woman horrified she won't be able to vote for Biden.
And another delusional observation.
There can’t be many people who think having Joe Biden on speed dial is a good idea. Is this a real comment?
Our first Black, Asian/Indian, Woman President
It is the gushing admiration for Harris that jars the most.
Harris is sharp, quick on her feet, articulate etc. Where are these evaluations coming from? It can’t be direct observation.
On her elevation to VP Harris was immediately understood by the Democrats as a serious liability. She is quite literally none of the above. Her decline in popularity over the last few years has been because her delivery is dull, slow and famously inarticulate. Despite many efforts, her own staff could not improve her public image.
Here is another view that bears no relation to anything we can actually observe about Kamala Harris or Biden.
Even moderately pro-Democrat journalists have long pointed out Harris’s inability to speak well. Everything is a word salad. She often seems out of her depth. Some wonder if she is drunk or on drugs. Almost none of her utterances ever make sense.
There were many pro-Kamala comments along these lines. Most were fantasy projections. We finally have someone articulate and capable who can take on Trump, the fascist loser that he is.
There is a lot of this projection. But it is their prejudice that really comes to the fore in these echo chambers.
Race, gender and gayness
The obsession with progressive talking points is incessant. Every other comment mentions race, gender or sexual preference.
One commenter stated it bluntly: I think a multiracial female president is a wonderful idea. That sums up their view. They are obsessed with racial minorities. Needless to say an equivalent from a white American stating he wants Trump because a monoracial white man as president is a wonderful idea would be met with jail time.
The obsession includes championing Harris’s diverse background. I am not sure if “biracial” is a word, but we understand the meaning. Even more diverse. Even more discriminated against, despite already being the Vice President of the United States.
Pete Buttigieg was suggested as a possible running mate which sparked a new bout of pontificating over homophobia and related inventions.
This obvious obsession with sexual preference and race infects almost everything. It runs through the entire comment section and is not just mentioned in passing. It is an animating drive in many of the commenters, most of whom seem to be white women.
They are clearly convinced America is a hotbed of racial violence, oppressed women and widespread gay-bashing. It seems to form the basis of their decisions on whom to vote for in elections, where the notion of representation is more important than other considerations such as policies or track records. A pleasing mix of colours, genders, and sexual deviations is the driving force. It has to look right.
There are almost no comments about policy failures, budgets, the visible decay of the United States, the loss of prestige, the death of the petrodollar, debt, warmongering or anything else real. The entire West is in visible decline with even basic infrastructure crumbling, and yet not a word. The real issues are the -isms they have been told define their existence.
A naive world view
The comments are very alike. All regurgitate standard media talking points. The worldview on display is unusually naive. This comment is fairly typical.
First we see an invented view of the world. Biden has been a great president. Harris is a superb senator, and she will continue his sterling work. No reasonable assessment of either individual would draw these conclusions. Biden is a corrupt grifter with a chequered past and Harris is openly derided as a clown even by her own people.
The rest is just an approved list of grievances for which no evidence is now presented. They are taken as established fact. Antisemitism, homophobia and widespread racism are everywhere despite decades of efforts to eradicate them. These things account for the mess of America. If only genuine progressive politicians could get in power and do more of what we have been doing for five or six decades, things would be better.
Finally we learn what they really want. It is for their political heroes to take on all those right-wing nutjobs which she helpfully illustrates as Fox News anchors. Mainstream news personalities represent for them the extreme hard right. And in a sense they are correct as commenters like her occupy a space so extreme themselves normal centrist politics from twenty years ago, like restricting immigration or welfare, now seems like fascism.
This is a lost, and increasingly deranged, segment of the population. Their comments betray their broken understanding of how the world works or where the real threats lie.
What is apparent is the individuals commenting on this, mostly liberal white women, are singularly obsessed with race, gender and sexual preferences while condemning America for being hung up on race, gender and sexual preferences.
This is not hypocrisy, it appears to be a mental block, a kind of cognitive blind spot they seem unaware of.
Many of their opinions are not mild disagreements or slight differences in opinion. No rational person can observe President Biden and believe he is anything other than a confused old man who is decades past his prime. His poor mental state is evident.
We accept some of his supporters will overlook this and not draw attention to it. But how do we explain the enthusiastic endorsement of him? People suggesting he can advise Kamala Harris if she becomes president like some grand elder. Or expressing sincere concern he is stepping down. The best president since LBJ. How can anyone believe this?
It is tempting to laugh at them. But it is these delusional people who are equally delusional about the effects of mass immigration, war against Russia, central banks, corporate media and government institutions. It is the delusional voting in dangerous people with globalist backers and accusing everyone else of conspiracies as our world collapses.
They are slaves to the system. They will cheer on the destruction of their world and their place in it, and they will take us down with them.
When it all finally breaks they will still blame straight white men for their woes.
If only we had voted in Kamala or some other biracial and/or sexual oddball we could have been saved. When their food supply dwindles and they go hungry they'll still tell you the number one priority is reproductive rights for women or providing welfare for illegal immigrants.
Are these non-playing characters? Or in fact are they just victims of a well-funded propaganda campaign designed with this outcome in mind? We certainly witness a clear inability to think critically about facts or observations all of us can make. There is also much evidence of emotional thinking. It feels good to be backing the right candidate as a blow against the patriarchy. You score social points as the likes and endorsements pile up.
They have opinions we cannot respect. People like Kamala Harris are obviously hand-picked nonentities whose only quality is obedience to globalist devils while her own nation suffers.
And yet we have deranged people online, all of them with a vote, hyperventilating at the thought of a woman taking the Oval Office. Even better a multicoloured woman with a gay VP or some other combination of irrelevant features we are told doesn’t matter. Except for white liberal women of course who have constructed an entire worldview based on flirting with things they imagine are edgy or exciting. It matters to them because it demonstrates how enlightened they are compared to us.
Reading these comments is a superb insight into why democracies ultimately collapse. None of the commenters are rational. Their views are other people’s views, downloaded, lodged in their minds and then enthusiastically repeated to anyone who will listen. Their “opinions” are used like social arrows fired into a crowd to demonstrate how informed they are.
Comment sections like this will provide future historians with a wealth of information on how and why we collapsed. The bad ideas, the emotive topics, the sheer nonsense people believe. It all plays a part.
It is comical to read, but worrying to consider how many people out there perhaps think like this.
I struggle to explain my views on women and intelligence to my 4 sons, but you highlighted the problem well here so I will try. Women are not less intelligent than men, they are often more verbally gifted and more empathetic, but their empathy can be worthless depending on how they channel it. They are less logical. As a woman on the autism spectrum I find other women mostly unbearable because of the complete irrelevance of their conclusions to any facts. They are making a conscious decision to go with feelings over facts, and once they pick their feet up off solid ground you get ideas like the ones you highlight. They value consensus which is great when building up a family but dangerous when adapting stupid ideas so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. They refuse to understand that they are the way they are for the role they have hitherto needed to fill in civilization and no longer are able and willing to fill and this mental compost is the result.
Mass insanity has taken root in the Western World. Just like rap music and the current popularity of surgically manipulating the genitals of underage children became a Canadian and European favorite, those who control the thoughts of the masses are working for Operation Mockingbird. Have you noticed how the talking heads on CNN, PBS, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and MSNBC often use the exact same words in repeating the daily government messages?