Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

I struggle to explain my views on women and intelligence to my 4 sons, but you highlighted the problem well here so I will try. Women are not less intelligent than men, they are often more verbally gifted and more empathetic, but their empathy can be worthless depending on how they channel it. They are less logical. As a woman on the autism spectrum I find other women mostly unbearable because of the complete irrelevance of their conclusions to any facts. They are making a conscious decision to go with feelings over facts, and once they pick their feet up off solid ground you get ideas like the ones you highlight. They value consensus which is great when building up a family but dangerous when adapting stupid ideas so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. They refuse to understand that they are the way they are for the role they have hitherto needed to fill in civilization and no longer are able and willing to fill and this mental compost is the result.

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What an interesting take. I did find many of their comments disturbing, mainly because of the lack of logic or even consistency.

Alas, I believe many of them have been abused by mainstream media and other organs of propaganda.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

I share a lot of your sentiments, but there is naturally a wide variation within both sexes by design/natural selection. Women had to take on masculine roles when men were at war or hunting or dead, so logical, strong willed, independent and smart women are not an anomaly. Their children were more likely to survive and pass on their genes. Evolution rewards survival, not happiness. Men dominate women when they're around, which women may not like but they're safer with male protection. We don't like to acknowledge it since it's inconsistent with our egalitarian ideals, but human masculine domination is a fact. Unjust perhaps, like gravity and the passing of time, but inevitable.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Very good points, absolutely true too.

"We don't like to acknowledge it since it's inconsistent with our egalitarian ideals, but human masculine domination is a fact."

Imagine how it is for us men: we too are dominated by men, unless we can issue challenge and win, thus becoming the dominator.

Small wonder why "feminist men" almost always are of a certain type, clichéd and archetypical enough that you almost start to belive in physiognomy: they are ruled by fear and dare not discover how to take place in the male hierarchies (one can f.e. attain status by being the worst at something, by you have to dare take the plunge), but learn from a young age how to manipulate women into pitying them into positions of power-behind-the-Matriarch's-throne, if that makes sense?

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I do think women see these men coming from a great distance. Women are the great manipulators after all. This is the Mr Nice Guy syndrome; mimicking niceness to achieve nefarious ends.

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Jul 30Liked by Spaceman Spiff

It’s a well-worn joke in lib circles that men who claim to be feminist are wolves in sheep’s clothing

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I think they are more like dogs in sheep's clothing. Little yappy dogs at that, lol.

Men trying to manipulate women through some nice guy act is like toddlers lying to their mothers. Utterly outclassed.

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Aug 5Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Look up “sneaky fuckers”, a legitimate zoological term, and tell me it doesn’t describe beta lib males to a tee

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Mr Nice Guys. Definitely a thing.

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That's so interesting. I can only imagine what it's like to be male and jockey for position in that hierarchy. I've only experienced it vicariously, watching boys become men and learn to navigate physical intimidation in a way girls rarely have to. Girls face serious dangers of course and have to learn to be defensive, but they don't have to prove strength and leadership in the same way. It's almost like different universes. I'll have to ponder your thoughts about liberal men. I think liberals don't acknowledge the protective role of men in a kind of false egalitarianism, encouraged by feminism, which leaves them without a sense of responsibility and purpose. It's definitely not working out well for anyone.

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I believe there are many women with the potential to be high functioning and intellectually independent but their desire to get along and be accepted overrides their better nature. Defending transgender men and other prospective pedophiles rather than working to protect children from such grooming is the most egregious example. These people want access to our children and if mothers won’t stop them who will?

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Regarding sex and intellectual ability, it is a rare woman who has an above-average IQ. Most women score in the mid-range. In other words, they are "midwits". Of course, there are different types of intelligence which is why I used the phrase "intellectual ability".

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Jul 30Liked by Spaceman Spiff

By definition, the majority of people, both men and women, are midwits. If you compare IQ distribution between men and women, the female curve is actually shifted to the right compared to the male, but the tails of the male curve are longer. Ergo, a random midwit woman is likely to have a higher IQ than a random midwit guy BUT high - genius IQ individuals are more likely to be male (as are criminal retards).

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Yes the distribution for women is narrower. Fewer morons and geniuses. I would argue the thing today is propaganda. The level of propaganda aimed at women is difficult to fathom. Our world is now run via the manipulation of opinion, so things were bound to get out of hand eventually.

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I was an outlier in IQ, and yes at the upper reaches there are more men than women, but my son is a speech therapist working with autistic children, himself on the spectrum, and most special needs children are also boys. Women probably average about the same as men but cluster around the middle. Men have better concentration skills, they are better problem solvers because of this, and poorer listeners as many wives can attest. My husband, whom I met in a university honors program when we were 17 is one of those competent older white guys who know everything about their field, but you could set yourself on fire next to him and not get a blink.

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Jul 30Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Great points. IQ is a fallible measurement, like all tests, and doesn't take into account what our wise ancestors recognized as "feminine intuition." I'm too rational for supernatural explanations, but I do think there are innate differences in perception and instinct, again with a wide spectrum of individual variation. I never notice anything about machines (except their color :), but I can see right through people. I can hear accents (I've moved a lot) and sense moods, judge who's lying, sick or scared, much better than the men in my life. God and/or natural selection don't make mistakes; we're designed to work together to survive.

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Mass insanity has taken root in the Western World. Just like rap music and the current popularity of surgically manipulating the genitals of underage children became a Canadian and European favorite, those who control the thoughts of the masses are working for Operation Mockingbird. Have you noticed how the talking heads on CNN, PBS, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and MSNBC often use the exact same words in repeating the daily government messages?

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Imagination and creativity were the second victims of Operation Mockingbird. Integrity and honesty went first.

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Jul 29Liked by Spaceman Spiff

That is so, so true. Integrity and honesty the two most important things in life, I'm not even sure a lot of people would know what integrity means these days, much less have it.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

"Medieval mass obsessions such as tarantism and St. Vitus dance are little known now among western narions; in their place we have mass meetings with shouting crowds expressing in delusional ecstasy their affiliation to some political delusion.....If one can isolate the mass, allow no free thinking, no outside corrective, and can hypnotise the group daily with noises, with press and radio and television, with fear and pseudo-enthusiasms, any delusion can be instilled."

Joost Meerloo - "The Rape of the Mind - The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide and Brainwashing" 1956

What seems loud and clear is that the comments chosen are from primarily Feeling type women. Thus their infantile and undeveloped thinking has given in to strong suggestive power.

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I would agree with that assessment. They did not seem like bad people. They are not planning the downfall of America. They think they are vigilant to its enemies.

But it is still disturbing to read.

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I can't prove it, but I suspect that a lot of these accounts are bots and / or intelligence assets. They did this during covid, and now they've had four more years to practice. It's all about selling the image of popularity so that they can attempt a steal in November.

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Could be. If so, they are convincing. They range quite widely in their comments.

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Yeah, but that's trivial with AI.

And it's not a sure test... but can you imagine writing that drivel? Can you empathise with the frame of mind it represents? It doesn't seem real to me.

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I had the same thought. The tone, cadence, phrasing are all so similar.

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I published a post about liberal women this morning. Weeping over the likes of Joe Biden is not a sign of mental health and stability. Grifters like E. Jean Caroll are manipulating such women into a constant state of anxiety, which is the only way the likes of Caroll can stay relevant.

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Well done.

I have entered a few of these "Lands of woke-believe" here on SS - some big names and some obscure. I'd encourage all "conservatives" - or better put, non-woketards, to do so as well.

The big takeaway here is the old hopium trope of the right, "There are more of us than there are of them" rings hollow. There area shitload of them. All with levels of delusion, derangement, agenda/ideology loyalty - "to the death" - that inhabit many more key roles and seats than we're honestly willing to admit or acknowledge.

None of this "poofed into existence" overnight. None of the decay, rot and perversion we are living in was an accident or coincidence.

And while "good" may win out in the end (which is a convenient excuse for the masses to be lazy waiters) - "bad" during it's time, can cause horrendous levels of societal devastation and collapse.

These deranged woketard/libtard drones are akin to activated, societal vest bombers. They will not be reasoned with or deprogrammed and are focused on their task and goal. We all need to understand that and plan our strategies and actions accordingly - know your enemy and stop trying to tell yourself they are something they are not (sane, reasonable and deep down they're really just like you and I).

They most certainly are not.

If you doubt that, just go back and watch that "Olympics gala" and realize there were many high level people, not just in the Olympic committee, but across corporate, economic and government strata that OK'd that abomination.

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I do think some of them are dangerous.

COVID certainly showed us many will turn a blind eye if you are shipped off to a gulag.

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Not just a blind eye - they will identify, bubble wrap and pay for the shipping, to send your “Anti-ass” to those gulags.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Author

Yes I have no doubt this is the case. As noted, they think Tucker Carlson is Hitler. That is pretty far left.

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I am baffled and mind-boggled that people who seem to be bots actually exist. These are the Stepford Wives, unthinking and robotic who are programmed to believe utter fantasy.

The scariest line in your essay is "And yet we have deranged people online, all of them with a vote, hyperventilating at the thought of a woman taking the Oval Office."

Ok, I can play the fantasy game, too. The only way to protect our republic, if we are to have one, is voting restrictions - major ones. Only people with jobs, who pay federal and state taxes, are over the age of 25, and do not receive any government welfare benefits would be allowed to vote, and ONLY with a valid official voter ID, similar to a drivers license or passport. Voting for Federal office would be by paper ballot restricted to one day only across all states.

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I think your ideas are not the least unrealistic. They make a lot of sense. Restricting the vote to people who are in some demonstrable way sensible is a good idea. Net tax payers, for instance.

I just found some of their comments delusional. I am sure most of them are nice people. They are just programmed.

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What makes them so scary is that they probably are nice people, convinced that what they believe is correct, and in their delusion, will gladly accept that people who do not believe what they believe should be eliminated by any means necessary.

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There is definitely an edge to some of the comments.

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These are the same ‘nice’ people who were my friends pre-covid and now no longer are. Totally programmed by the media. And convinced they are correct, which is testimony of their complete lack of inquisitiveness and lucid thinking. Very very scary indeed!

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Deeply troubling development. The programming is bad enough, but it is the conviction that sees you in a gulag.

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"Agreeable" may be a more accurate label than nice. Meshes with their high degrees of conformity to evil and insane ideas, while being seemingly "nice" in areas outside of what the brainwashing touches on.

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Yes, you are probably correct. They score high in agreeableness.

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That is a better descriptor.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

You both have more faith in the voting system than I, if someone like George Galloways party had got in, that would only have sickened me because it would have meant they had sold out.

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I think representative democracy is demonstrating its limits these days.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Democracy: meaning " For the people, by the people."Can't ever remember seeing any of that in my lifetime .

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Author

Definitely long gone. But they are losing credibility by the minute. That doesn't help them.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Just repeal all but the original ten amendments in the Bill of Rights. Then allow each state to determine who can vote.

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Can you imagine? Voting is seen as a divine right. Up there with abortion, lol.

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Jul 29Liked by Spaceman Spiff

I have met uber-intelligent, gainfully employed college graduates seamlessly spout this nonsense, too.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Let me steelman their perspective for a moment.

Firstly, these people are NOT just recycling media talking points. That's a big misunderstanding of what's going on. If you'd browsed into their spaces a few weeks ago you'd have discovered a lot of people saying exactly the same things they're saying now about Biden, but also being very upset and angry at the press. They really couldn't understand why the media, who they saw as a stalwart ally in their fight against fascism, suddenly turned on a dime and started sowing division by attacking their wonderful president. Conspiracies were theorized about but mostly they just concluded the media was "driven by clicks" and was claiming Biden was senile purely for profit. Many of them announced they'd unsubscribed from the lying media they'd sadly trusted to tell the truth.

So to me it looks a lot like it's the other way around: the media is being driven by the types of people who comment on those posts. Journalists are fully captured by their audience of hyper-engaged fanatics and find themselves on the receiving end of financial punishment if they stop feeding the desired fantasies.

Now why do these commenters act this way? Their behavior is very logical if you realize that they don't think the POTUS/VP actually matter in terms of decision making. The far left ideal is an absence of hierarchy, meaning that all decisions are made by opaque committees of relatively low level but hyper-specialized experts, nameless in their numerousness. In such a world view positions like POTUS are unfortunate legacy baggage from a less enlightened time, written into the Constitution in a way that's difficult to fix. But to them it's really quite obvious that government and society are far too complex to actually be run by one man or woman. The huge blowup over Biden's senility has only reinforced this idea in their minds, as if the POTUS really is senile then where's the problem? Everything seems to still work? Can't matter much then, can it?

Even if you believe this so strongly that it seems obvious to you, that doesn't mean who wins is meaningless. Far from it! You think the POTUS is a figurehead but a very important one, as they broadcast what kind of country the USA is to the world. Like the British King or Queen the role is a purely ceremonial role intended to personify the nation, its hopes and its dreams. And if you believed the POTUS is a symbolic figurehead in a country historically wracked by racial division then _of course_ it should be a "black" woman. She doesn't have to actually be black. What matters is that people say she's black, because her job is to communicate a vibe or set of values to the rest of the world, not make decisions.

If you see things this way then it's obvious why Trump makes them crazy. He doesn't look presidential, he blusters and bullshits and talks about POLICY all the time which is obviously terrible because why should we let something as important as that be decided by whichever idiot manages to win elections? Does he think he's smart enough to run the country, or something?

Kamala Harris is the perfect candidate for this mindset. Her campaign website literally doesn't mention policies at all. She is 100% happy to be an empty vessel into which anyone can pour their projections and wishes.

So you're not going to get through to these people by talking about policy or anything other than vibes. The gap in worldview is just far too large. In fact there's nothing you can do to change their mind about who it should be, because deep down they don't even agree with the premise that the POTUS should exist at all, and thus whoever it is will inevitably reflect emotionally driven ideas.

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One of the best comments I’ve read on this situation. I’ve long held this very idea that the media-consumer relationship is a feedback loop that is now well beyond any originality from either entity. The harpies need amplification and the amplifiers need input.

Also, a brilliant take on the managerial perspective. This surly explains the inexplicable lack of leadership skills in their emplaced headpieces

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

It’s AWFLs all the way down. Munchausen by proxy is their existence. They don’t get the attention they feel they deserve, so they invent problems (e.g. - their transgender son or daughter) and rail against anyone who calls out their obvious bullshit. They celebrate each other as “strong, independent womyn”, but wouldn’t hesitate to bury a knife in each other’s backs should anyone get more attention.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

I've been doing the bad thing of 'noticing' for a while now. It's not just the women (though liberal women are the most hysterical and insensate), it's many men as well and even exists on the conservative side to a lesser degree. Covid really blew the lid off the whole thing as I realized that actually believing in American principles and basic rights like bodily autonomy and being able to live normally and take risks was a fringe minority view. "Mama gubmint may I" is deeply ingrained, so it's not surprising that this mindset is going to its fullest extreme.

Even pre covid I noticed the incredible lack of thinking and openness among my fellow liberal college students. I still held many liberal views myself but with a libertarian core, and I was even looked at strangely by the ROTC types, who were similarly disinterested in challenging their views. Deep is the well of this madness

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Couldn't agree more. Covid changed everything for me.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Absolutely agree with everything you're saying, and your examples and analysis are spot on. These brainwashed people are my colleagues and neighbors, and they run the blue state where I live, to my extreme consternation. However I would point out that they are only the mirror opposite of the fanatical Trump supporters who believe he is Christ's second coming who loves America and can do no wrong. A lot of those supporters are also women. I agree that women tend to rely on assessments of character rather than policy, tending to want to support the good and righteous rather than the pragmatic and effective. But if we're brutally honest, we shouldn't surprised when women choose to believe lies since they are groomed to do so from their first fairy tale. Women are encouraged to overlook male infidelity, to flatter male egos and avoid male wrath by believing lies large and small. Few large family systems would survive if women told the truth. "It is better to be liked than be right" is true for women who want social status; their conformity is praised and rewarded. This is not new, and the US became the greatest country in the world after women got the vote in 1920. A balance of emotion and pragmatism is actually effective or our species wouldn't have survived. What IS new is social media manipulation of these tendencies in all kinds of destructive ways. TikTok is China's weapon of mass delusion, and it seems to be working just as planned, our Achilles heels of race and gender exploited to divide and conquer. As we turn on our fellow Americans in outrage and loathing, ask yourself who's holding the puppet strings.

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I do wonder this myself. I think there are many competing groups. And women are especially targeted, much more so than men.

So I do pity what women have to contend with, and much of it is designed to exploit female nature. Compassion and the urge to nurture are certainly exploited.

That said it wasn't all women. Some of the comments were from men who seemed equally lost.

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China is the cause of all this, via Tiktok? No, this rot was well underway even before social media came into common use. Social media only amplified what was already in place.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

I can’t stand those women. They are completely insufferable.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

"They seemed to live in a different world from me. Almost every point they made represented an unfiltered view of mainstream propaganda. There didn’t seem to be much in the way of critical thinking."

"The obsession with progressive talking points is incessant"

"This is not hypocrisy, it appears to be a mental block, a kind of cognitive blind spot they seem unaware of."

Until 2020 I was one of these people, and I remember what it feels like. You're so sure that you're right; you pat yourself on the back that you are a critical thinker because you criticize people on the right.

When I talk to my liberal friends I do indeed feel like we live in completely different worlds.

• They're all hyper-vaccinated but don't seem to remember that Trump initiated Operation Warp Speed while Biden swore he never take any of those shots — until he got elected, that is, and then he mandated them.

• They've never heard of the Hunter Biden laptop, the Twitter files, or the fact that the 2016 Russian influence story was manufactured by the Clinton campaign

• They still think they'll die if they get Covid, even though they've all had it multiple times; this despite mostly not getting boosters anymore or wearing a mask

• They see Trump as evil incarnate and his impending election as the end of Democracy, and they've been conditioned to bring up Project 2025 whenever the election is mentioned.

• All they know about RFK Junior is that he's a notorious anti-vaxxer and that's good enough for them.

I speak to them gently because I'm more interested in planting reasonable doubt than in getting into a futile, counterproductive religious argument. I always point out that I don't like Trump any more than Biden, but I view them both as undesirables, in order to head off any accusation of partisanship. I'm an equal opportunity hater. The best I can say is that I'm tolerated rather than shunned. To their credit, I don't get much pushback when I point out that DEI has gone too far.

Time will tell, I guess.

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They are people. And there must be deep psychological reasons they seek out the reassurance of the mainstream.

But you are correct. Planting seeds of doubt is enough. I have a few in my circle even questioning mass immigration.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

I have decided some of us must be living in different realities, more so if we're to believe that Kamala is articulate, capable and diverse. The last real clip I saw of her was when she delivered that jumbled speech at Mexico many moons ago, since then she appeared to have dropped off the radar ....... until now. Who knows maybe she was away having a new brain implant and has come back as the new improved version.

I'm not gladdened by the glorifying of a "female" president. Sorry but most in the the European governments are hardened feminist bitches who lost their soul along the way and to be honest it makes me shudder at the thought of another at the helm. If she runs true to form of her family she would fall into the same bracket. When you can treat your Irish slaves as little more than pack donkeys or worse there's got to be something tainted about you, even the fact you had Irish slaves should be a problem. Which I agree is not Kamala's fault but she seems awfully proud of her heritage and enjoys the benefits of the wealth they made.

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My main concern with the comments was the lack of interest in anything except the various diversity points. It is one thing to accept these things exists. But to choose a president on their basis is worrying.

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Jul 28Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Yes, I agree it's very worrying but that is also how most of the women got into power in Europe, it was more to do with the whole diversity agenda as opposed to suitability. I suppose I should have made that clear in my comment as you always articulate what you mean. It's one of the reasons I enjoy your writings.

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Jul 29Liked by Spaceman Spiff

The sad thing, if asked most people I know, they would give similar responses.

It's the Twilight Zone.

It's the woke mind virus.

It's the demoralization.

It's the reprobate mind of the Bible.

It's the end of the world as we know it.

God have mercy...

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AI is hilarious. The trigger in front of the finger is its own joke.

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