Well written and interesting. I would add that, in economic terms, the high levels of immigration have also greatly eroded income and in general negotiating power of so called "skilled" workers in white collar professions as well, in some categories there may narrow senses that in absolute value terms have them being even more economically harmed. Also, lately I've stated thinking that when using the word "educated" in some contexts, we should instead use the word "socialized" or the phrase "similarly socialized"...

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We are definitely seeing skilled tech workers hammered in the UK thanks to both inward immigration and offshoring. A double whammy effect. Many tech workers unemployed or looking at very low paid gigs.

As for educated, I agree. But it gets cumbersome. As long as people understand it is the university educated midwits by and large.

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The government must be checked and balanced, not for our sake, but for theirs. What we refuse to learn is that no -ism, no matter how powerful, will be sufficient to serve the needs of humanity. These -isms are inevitably simplified, consistent band-aids taping over complex and uniquely human concerns.

The inconstancy and flexibility of humanity is a feature, not a bug.


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Interesting article. I suspect the influencer class may indeed overtake them. The state and its bureaucracy is dying. Incompetency, mass immigration, the quota system; these are just easy targets. Their entire reason for existing is dying. Although the majority want government of some form, the gigantic states we have today turn people off. Or perhaps turn them on to alternatives. Different currencies, different ideas and different ways to live.

The West really is going down in my view.

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I suppose when I update it I may have to make them the Demagogue class - Academic, Bureaucrat, Clergy, Demagogue make a proper ABCD. One each in every party, just as Gygax intended (lmao).

I do think though that I may not see this in my lifetime (late 20s), though. While collapse tends to happen gradually, and then all at once, inertia and the sheer enormity of the task of actually pushing the tottering superstructure over could make it take longer than we think/hope.

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I don't agree. I think less than a decade.

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The power of the state is so absolute and the faith of the people in representative democracy (as opposed to participatory democracy) so unquestioning, that one of two things must happen : 1. the people will sink ever deeper into servility 2. some great cataclysm will destroy the institutions of authority to be followed by the realisation that entrusting your family your life and your property to somebody like (any modern prime minister) is an act of consummate imbecility.

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I fear the first scenario. I see a lot of acceptance of nonsense. Covid alone was disastrous.

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I might fear the first but I actually expect the second.

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What a world we live in.

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A clear sighted and hard hitting post Spaceman. Thanks. Excellent stuff.

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Thanks 😊

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If the WEF wants to eliminate individual countries and install a One World Government, wouldn’t the dilution of a country’s culture, in an effort to make all countries ‘look the same’, fit right into their plan?

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One world government has already been abandoned. The Chinese and Russians would never be part of such a thing. What is likely a a generic Western Commercial Zone. Many view national sovereignty as a serious impediment to this. The EU eventually evolved into an entity to dissolve countries, although is failing.

As the elites are finding out, a country is not a territory, a country is a people.

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“Educated classes”

I can’t keep track of all the euphemisms.

Are we talking about the globalist space lizards with socialist-sounding last names again?

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No. Local elites. I rarely bother with the lizard class. The midwits who imagine themselves seeing further than the rest of us while regurgitating what they saw on TV.

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what about the Jews?

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Very good read, thanks. I published this a few minutes ago on the same topic - sorry for the shameless plug: https://therealskidmark.substack.com/p/are-you-far-right

You'll laugh, you'll cry.

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The Jewish population of Palestine in 1919 was ~8%. With British government-sponsored mass immigration it was ~20% by 1929. Palestinian unease at this demographic shift transitioned to violence with the Hebron riots of that year. The violence remains ongoing. In the 2021 UK census the non-white portion of the population exceeded 18%. The non-Irish born population of Ireland just exceeded 20%.

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Indeed. Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.

We all wonder what will be going through the midwit liberal's mind when they learn one of their kids has been murdered by someone with nine deportation orders and several mental health diagnoses that some human rights lawyer worked diligently to keep in the country.

Some people only learn the hard way.

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I don't really wish to make much of a comment as there is so much misinformation going on at the moment but I really have to say our government and others in Europe know exactly what they are on with and they're playing their populations like fine tuned fiddles. Sadly many fall for it and we end up where we are which is the very place they want it to be. So MI5 and paid agents like Tommy Robinson aka his list of other names start off the trouble and step back when the first idiots follow on.

One other tiny point, you said only Europe and Africa take in all the refugees/immigrants. That is wrong. Iran tops the list ( this dates back to Dec '23 of taking in 3,443,522. Pakistan lies at 4th place after Germany and Turkey, Pakistan took 2,509,506. 6th place Russia 1,512,681. Bangladesh 961,801. Lebanon 799,131. In between are African countries.

Maybe people should learn about the Coudenhove -Kalergi Plan which Winston Churchill signed up to and find out exactly what is going on.

But never fear, with the Rothschild's empire being here it will be the last place to sink with refugees and immigrants. I leave some numbers for you to console yourselves with.

UK Majority Ethnic White 83%

Asian British 8.6%

Black British 3.7%

British Mixed 2.4%

Other 2.0%

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I do not believe these numbers you quoted. Many have challenged them. I believe native Britons are fewer than 83 percent. Plus the imports are producing many more kids, so the outlook over the next decade or two will be dramatically different. That is a concern many have and we cannot discuss it without being branded as racists.

I am familiar with the Kalergi plan too. The main concern for Western nations is the incompatibility issue, which is what triggered the civil unrest. The alienness of many people who are emigrating. As for the UK somehow being spared I rather doubt it. It certainly doesn't look that way.

Many can sense the deep changes in society, just like the Irish are doing. Same for other European nations. The majority are hostile to all this. And yet it cannot be discussed. Again, this didn't help with the civil unrest.

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I agree not being able to discuss issues is a big problem, figures appear worse because they're crowded into certain areas. Having said that you also have to acknowledge that many were invited here to fill in certain jobs, they weren't illegal immigrants.

Which gives us another problem, if they all pack their bags like many want them to how the hell are we going to fill 40,000 healthcare jobs and a shortfall of roughly 31 billion in taxes etc; annually.

You might tell your little friend that a person with a different viewpoint is not necessarily a bot, just someone saying something different to others.

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I don't agree with any of that. We are quite capable of filling all our jobs. There are millions unemployed. Higher wages would help. As would lower taxes.

I'm not concerned with illegal immigration. Like most of the country it is mass migration of incompatible people that worries us. Plus the civil unrest it will trigger. We now see the beginnings of that.

I'm not blaming the migrants either. Our own elites invited them. But like most I am concerned about where it is going. It is a policy most want to end and to now reverse.

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"I'm not blaming the migrants either."

This is the second time in a day that I've heard an intelligent, white male Brit make this statement. (The other guy was a tiktoker who was exposing Amanda Rayner's gambit to prioritize immigrants over native Britons for council housing.)

The point is, as tempting as it is to just get furious with the immigrants (easy to do when the criminals amongst them are attacking our most vulnerable in the most despicable ways)... ultimately it is our ruling elites we have to hold responsible.

I think the pitchforks of insightful thought are coming out and catching on.

Keep up the good work.

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We can condemn illegals of course. But most immigrants are legal migrants. That is government policy. And it is them we must hold to account.

Alas, most rely on traditional media and they have abandoned any pretense of neutrality. They are the amplifiers of globohomo. I am often aghast how poorly informed most people are.

That said, the kids are watching TikTok, not the Six O'Clock News anyway. So things are changing.

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Immigrants use many times over more social welfare benefits than they contribute to it.

Also, with medical errors being the third leading cause of death, healthcare will improve when the interlopers return whence they came.

But you knew all this.

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This is a major concern for many. Both points. We often witness a couple where the husband is a security guard or equivalent low paying job, the wife does not work and they have 4+ children. That is a significant cost just in education, £250k per head; one million a security guard will not be paying in taxes.

As for healthcare. It has been known for centuries different peoples have different aptitudes, including empathy, attention to detail, and self control. All these matter in healthcare settings. Plus comfort is an issue; at the end of our lives we do not want to be attended to by aliens and strangers. We want our own people with us. This is never discussed.

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Morgoths as usual nails it…..


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Yes, very good video. And he is right. When you look at the real Britain, it wasn't built or shaped by gender confused lightweights obsessed with anti-racism or pronouns. They have perhaps unwittingly unleashed a sleeping giant.

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We have been living in a bubble since 1945.

The hard times are back…..

History is back

I strangely feel invigorated.

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I think so too. It is a kind of reset, minus the cheap fake money.

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And you poo pooed my comment last time about bots taking over the comment section. :-P

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Aug 13
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Agreed. Although none of it is sustainable as you note. The systems they put in place as a consequence of their desire to retain control mean competency declines. The surveillance state can be dangerous if it targets a specific individual, but surveillance and control is not a useful method to govern.

I suspect our elites will learn this the hard way.

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