Don't forget Ireland, where they have (of course) taken it a step further in the government's drive to be THE most progressive pseudostate within the EU. The cops (Gardai) can just walk into your home and confiscsate all electronic devices therein , if they "suspect" that you "might" have material which "might" cause offence or harm IF posted online. Three steps removed from anything resembling a fact. It happened to a local councillor the other week, as he had been seen just talking with protestors outside a hotel in his small town that had been earmarked for "International Protection Applicants" (more doublespeak). These IPAs almost always are not families, but young fighting-age men. In this instance, the cops also apparently confiscated the phones of his wife and children who were in the house at the time. Interesting that JK Rowling has said today that she will put this new law to a thorough test in defiance of the Scottish Government. She can probably employ a lot more lawyers than the government, so it will be entertaining, hopefully.

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Scotland and Ireland have similar characteristics, the main one being size. About 5-6 million each. So they decline quicker than larger countries.

That is all we are seeing. They are moving quicker. The authoritarianism is where the elites and their minions wish to be. They are on an accelerated timeline because their ideas will destroy their countries. The immigration alone will end both, and eventually all Western nations.

Those young men in hotels have no wives, money or food. I often ask progressive types what they think will happen when the money stops? They never have an answer. They imagine law and order and security happen by magic. But those days are coming to an end.

You saw the real face of parliament in Ireland when the Afghan fellow stabbed the young girl. The MPs were enraged the white Irish youth took to the streets. It was blatant how much contempt they had for the Irish. How did it come to this?

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Agreed on the population size being a factor there. Perfect test-beds for the next stage of social re-engineering of Western societies. Yes, the case of the Dublin street stabbings a few months ago (if that is the one you mean) is still intriguing. The victims were never interviewed or identified, so it remains unknown whether they were known to the assailant or what nationality they were (as far as I am aware - I follow a few Irish writers here). I am guessing they were Irish, although how that could be kept under wraps, and of course why, is a strange one. I visit the country regularly, and it saddens me greatly to see how the majority have gone along so completely with everything since 2020. Or so it seems. However, the elites got a hell of a kicking in the referendum on removing women and families from their protected status in the constitution the other week. Most notable was that the only ward that voted "yes" was in south Dublin, where the political classes and wealthy (unaffected) Righteous-Thinking urbanites dwell. So all is not yet lost, maybe. Excellent post by the way.

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Glad you liked it.

The good life is coming to an end even for the urbanites. Who do they think the refugees will kill first? The poor?

That is what throws me about all of this. What kind of world are they creating for their children?

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Apr 10Liked by Spaceman Spiff

"The politicians and the media and the boffins in academia have constructed elaborate theories built upon observable lies and deceit. [ ] That is why we see constant mention of narcissism. The narcissist lives in a fantasy bubble they project, their entire lives a battle to keep reality from intruding into their fictional construction."

Bingo. Great write up. How does this end? I wonder. Last century showed us one way. Is there another?

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It could fizzle out. I suspect the Cluster B people will not let that happen.

Reality overtaking them of course. Reality is always real.

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Apr 1Liked by Spaceman Spiff

In summary, they are extremely stupid, but at least they know it. This confirms that the best strategy against them is pure and simple mockery.

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We use mockery and ridicule too little. They really can't defend themselves against them.

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It’s funny, as they invert logic and use mental gymnastics to justify their warped ideas, it only becomes easier to mock them.

The memes infuriate them because they have to work so hard to keep their false framing in place. Meanwhile, someone can collapse that entire house of cards with a hastily slapped together image.

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It is the weak point. The elaborate fantasy of it all. Men can be women etc. All that one takes is an image of a very masculine guy in a wig and it is instantly absurd. Even worse if it is a six-foot guy on a podium with a couple of normal-sized women; the contrast is there in front of you.

But the obsession with the memes. I think there we really do see panic and fear. Their reactions are extreme. That to me points to borderline mental illness. They just cannot handle reality.

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There is fear there for sure. A lot of these people fall in love with their own intellect, and so they begin to believe that the more clever and nuanced idea is always the inherently superior one.

The fact that “average” people don’t understand or agree with their complicated, theory-laden ideas only flatters their own sense of superiority. This pattern reinforces itself in their circles.

An accurate meme effortlessly punches a hole in those ideas and infuriates them with simple, undeniable truths that expose the uselessness and silliness of their own worldview.

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That is a good observation. Regular pushback tends to reinforce their superiority. You don't understand the complexities of this topic. But a well put together meme cuts right through it.

Here in the UK they really are jailing people for them. And it is all on the basis of "harm." Absolutely crazy.

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Well argued.

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Thanks 😊

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It definitely seems like they're trying to provoke a reaction. I *think* people have learned their lesson from J6, but we'll see. I honestly think that that's the only thing that can save them at this point.

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I think that was a strategy at one point, especially with "white supremacists" who awkwardly refused to materialize no matter the provocation. But the meltdowns with memes are partly to scare the memelords and partly genuine fear. Their careful fictions can be destroyed with one picture.

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