In Britain many of us now walk on eggshells.
The country and its systems are broken. Free speech is being outlawed. Many are frightened to say anything, although it doesn’t stop them noticing and thinking.
Recent emphasis on invented categories of offence — misinformation, disinformation and now malinformation — mean almost anything can come under the purview of the State and its informers, from ill-timed comments to jokes and humorous observations.
Famously, memes based on simple observation are admissible in Britain’s world-famous show trials, including this one no doubt:1
Everything must be monitored because less and less can be tolerated by those in positions of authority. Their narratives are failing, and they are panicking. They are getting desperate.
Noticing is verboten
Many of the topics that trigger the strongest response by the British Government are simply unpopular policies that normal people can no longer ignore.
More accurately, policies that directly affect growing numbers of law-abiding taxpayers who did not vote for them.
Do not discuss immigration
Mass immigration is the supreme example. Britain’s cities are being flooded with “asylum seekers,” most of whom are economic migrants with no right to settle in the country.
Many are alien peoples from distinct cultures with no connection to Europe and a poor track record of assimilation.
They are aided by an army of well-funded human rights lawyers who distort laws designed to help the genuinely dispossessed, which most immigrants are not.
Thanks to our generosity many privileges are extended to foreigners that are unavailable to natives such as free housing and financial help on the understanding these are used sparingly and temporarily to aid the desperate.
These myriad of kindnesses did not emerge to serve those who want the benefits of first-world living while dodging the corresponding costs; the development of high-trust social structures, the communal spirit that transcends tribalism, and the selflessness it all requires. These are rare phenomenon much of the world cannot produce or maintain, and they are being squandered in Western nations by the selfish obsessed with demonstrating their own virtue.
No serious discussion of immigration is tolerated at any level in Britain. However, this does not stop the erosion of goodwill upon which most of their schemes depend. The generosity they abuse is a limited resource and the magnanimity upon which it depends is evaporating quickly.
Misogyny is terrorism
Similarly, any discussion that focuses on women is frowned upon as they too are a protected class. Females have a special victim status akin to minorities despite comprising over half the population.
Now anything classed as “misogyny” is considered fair game for very serious punishment. The latest consideration is to prosecute misogyny incidents as terrorist offences, a manoeuvre that would help circumvent constraints on punishing offenders.
To those on the inside this is a necessary step to fight the onslaught of abuse faced by Western women, the most privileged group in history.
To those of us observing from outside their distortion field, there is nowhere else for radical feminists to go as we have capitulated to every whim they have proposed, from special job quotas to abortion on demand. The show must go on and where it is going is obvious to see, men and boys must be demonized to enable ever more female advantages.
No attacks on democracy
Even attacks on democracy are to be considered forbidden. This can include criticism of parliament as well as proposed policies.
Anti-establishment sentiment too is considered dangerous. This seems to be a ruse to persuade the middle classes that every criticism is a step closer to anarchy and chaos, the unsaid assumption being that the Establishment currently destroying our nations are somehow needed to maintain them.
Their position ignores any notion that criticism can be the basis of a civilized society.
In relatively recent times the blatancy of these moves would have triggered discussion and ridicule of how insecure our masters have become. Alas those times are gone; ridicule is terrorism.
Spokespersons for authority can barely contain their rage at normal people expressing concern for these destructive policies. They sense the Establishment are with them, so the gloves are off.
We have been treated to a wide array of identikit appointees to institutions enraged at the recent outbreaks of what they perceive as racism, woman-hating and more broadly hate speech.
This results in exasperated lectures from public officials about the things they, our servants, will not tolerate in us, their ostensible masters.
There is a lot of this, especially from the appointed minions. They seem unaware of how badly it comes across to normal people. Perhaps that is why they are chosen, their tone-deaf announcements on sensitive issues reinforcing the official narratives even as they collapse.
What is going on?
No one is now sure what they are allowed to say. This alone is a considerable shift for the British.
For centuries we championed free speech. We elevated taking the piss into an art form, always at the ready to tackle those who get too big for their boots.
But now the Establishment has decided this has no place in modern life.
Britain lacks America’s First Amendment and it shows. There is barely a consenting voice about the draconian measures being enacted.
The media are especially absent. They have long since been hollowed out. Many are now shills for globalist policies that will likely destroy the journalists themselves. They seem to be hoping they will be targeted last as they cannot believe any of this will end well.
There is a constant repetition of the notion that speaking freely leads to real-world violence and strife. There is zero discussion of the traditional view, that free speech is the safety valve that informs and helps defuse volatile situations.
It is enough that some speech veers into uncomfortable territory, so it must be stopped. And much of it is about this discomfort since there is little evidence of violence.
The native Britons they target as hard-Right fascists and Nazis are often the least violent and most restrained in society. They struggle to find any examples of mindless violence of the type they warn us about, except among their client groups whom we cannot criticize.
The recent unrest in Britain was triggered by a young Rwandan man born in Britain who murdered defenceless British children in cold blood. This sentence alone is enough now to attract censure as the media refuse to consider him Rwandan and insist he is Welsh, something no one believes or thinks, including African migrants.
This kind of desperate manipulation is why all speech and thought must be regulated and controlled. Alternative opinion cannot be tolerated lest it leads to real world consequences, like people concluding Africans are not Welshmen.
This is the end state of Western Liberalism. It has nowhere else to go except an attempt to control perception because real life continually intrudes and destroys the plans of the great and the good.
What is new is the blatancy of the control, driven by a sense of outrage emanating from Britain’s authorities. Their obvious disgust at us, the public, no longer buying the excuses.
We bother them, and they are particularly hostile to criticism which they view as unacceptable attacks on their position. This is seen in comparable European nations like Germany and France, and increasingly even in the United States.
The reaction to Elon Musk noticing the totalitarian tone of the British Government’s announcements was greeted with incredulity by an enraged political class. Those inside the bubble believe all criticism is fascism even when it is from neutral sources.
No dissent can be tolerated. And this inability to tolerate differences is now commonplace.
These are the people we are told must have the sole privilege of deciding what we can read or view.
It is this epic disconnect we see everywhere. A government so out of touch it is warning us we are the problem. We are making them react in a draconian fashion.
This is how narcissistic abusers think. This is how harm propagates as destructive relationships gradually spiral out of control. Today it is warnings and jailings, and tomorrow it is camps for undesirables, soon it will be public executions for political dissidents. All of it for our own good.
To people who act like this it is unthinkable they can be the problem. Only others can be the problem.
This is delusion on a grand scale. It is difficult to emphasize how blind authorities are to their own decline. They are obviously losing it and yet remain oblivious.
Such a state of affairs cannot last long.
The end is nigh
Western nations are run using propaganda. The media broadcast elite messaging to encourage people to cheer on their own demise. Mass immigration, climate change agendas and numerous other major policies are top-down schemes designed to create social control mechanisms or to simply dislodge the native populations from their homelands and replace them with more compliant groups.
But these manipulations are now failing. Propaganda is designed to teach people what to think. But to their considerable disgust more and more are now thinking for themselves, a process they think of as misinformation.
Most of it fails because their ambitions were always fantasy, the product of incestuous elite circles adopting every bad idea they stumble across because outsiders with more balanced views are absent.
Instead of utopia we now see multiethnic disharmony, male-female relations in free fall, and the ubiquity of quota systems in employment and education loudly advertising the failure of blank slate thinking. All this despite billions spent and endless legal tinkering to make their dreams a reality.
None of it works and much of it is becoming impossible to hide.
So they have dug in. What else can they do as their ideas and their world collapses? They know it is going to take them with it after all.
The current elites are going down, and they are cashing in their legal, media and political chips because they have no choice. They have nothing left.
It is increasingly obvious the elites and their appointees are too corrupt, too inept and too lost in their communist fantasies to be effective in maintaining advanced nations.
The legion of minions tasked with making the policies work in the real world, the civil servants, the workers in the institutions and even the shadowy apparatchiks in NGOs, are the clueless who often believe the propaganda so are even less prepared for reality as it asserts itself.
Try telling one of the people gluing themselves to roads that climate can never be predicted. There is no data from the future as the litany of failed predictions over the last thirty years has demonstrated.
Climate manipulation is a fantasy based on a need to control people and skim tax dollars from unwise government schemes. Lower down the food chain it has become a secular religion for over-socialized university graduates who can be made to believe anything if it makes them feel morally superior.
But despite their delusions, real life is becoming impossible to ignore.
Riots and burning cars, food and energy shortages, a lack of medicine and declining healthcare outcomes are the real-world effects visible to everyone.
The policies they pursue are national suicide.
Therefore, the irrational threats of censure and gulags won’t matter. The country will fall if we continue as we are. This is what people are noticing, and they are being jailed for it.
The censorship and the harsh penalties for commenting on real life are the last gasp of a system completely out of ideas, desperately clinging to a dead narrative fewer and fewer people now believe.
Soon the current regime will decline beyond the point it can be saved, and then the real change will begin despite the pain and upheaval it will surely cost.
For Britain, an ancient and proud nation with breathtaking accomplishments few can match, it may be our only hope for a return to the common sense we all want.
Many are being jailed in Britain for posting memes and related social media content. The judges often go to some lengths to confirm it is not the content of the material they are questioning as they are perfectly legal, but the perceived intent behind the posting itself.
This unprecedented legal descent into clairvoyance, hate speech and arrogance is relatively new. It will not age well and tells us more about the decline in competency in the judiciary than anything else. Standards are clearly not what they once were.
To put this kind of absurd reasoning on display in irremovable public court records speaks to the level of delusion and arrogance we are now dealing with in Britain. Our social betters are truly lost in a world of their own.
From across the pond, I applaud your courage.
Required viewing: The Minority Report.
As far as anarchy/chaos, Robert Higgs laid it out quite succenctly.
" “Anarchists did not try to carry out genocide against the Armenians in Turkey; they did not deliberately starve millions of Ukrainians; they did not create a system of death camps to kill Jews, gypsies, and Slavs in Europe; they did not fire-bomb scores of large German and Japanese cities and drop nuclear bombs on two of them; they did not carry out a ‘Great Leap Forward’ that killed scores of millions of Chinese; they did not attempt to kill everybody with any appreciable education in Cambodia; they did not launch one aggressive war after another; they did not implement trade sanctions that killed perhaps 500,000 Iraqi children.
In debates between anarchists and statists, the burden of proof clearly should rest on those who place their trust in the state. Anarchy’s mayhem is wholly conjectural; the state’s mayhem is undeniably, factually horrendous.”