The world has gone crazy. Nothing makes sense.
Incompetence is everywhere and is becoming unignorable, prompting many to focus on conspiracy theories. Our troubles are caused by psychopaths, narcissists and supervillains hellbent on world domination.
In addition all Western nations are hampered by huge bureaucracies with ambitions of their own, which doesn’t help.
But something more fundamental is occurring. We see divides in society that are new. Many issues drive wedges between otherwise reasonable people, an extreme polarization with no middle ground. Many are coalescing into self-referencing groups. Everything is becoming tribal.
Much of it seems touched by madness, the barely sane losing their minds over issues we used to take in our stride while some of us look on, baffled. How can anyone accept the nonsense we are repeatedly told about climate or toxic masculinity or systems of racism? Does anyone really believe these things?
For those paying attention there is a strong sense others appear to perceive the world differently from us. Not just an alternative opinion or a different take on an issue, but a deeper rift in perception.
Videos accumulate of committed activists in the grips of a determined hysteria. It doesn’t seem to matter if it is climate, diversity or gender. True believers seem lost and their worldview is an alien landscape so nonsensical even they cannot articulate its main features.
Our complex world is often reduced to slogans while we surrender ancient liberties, social norms and common sense to an unhinged minority the media seem determined to promote above the ordinary people of society.
This is not as mysterious as we might think. Some people really do see the world differently. And the world they see lives inside their head.
One brain, two hemispheres
It is becoming evident some groups perceive the world differently. To the uninitiated this is perplexing. The most striking examples are those promoting causes that run counter to their own wellbeing. Some of these are so extreme they border on the suicidal.
Climate alarmism is a key example. In Britain the activist group Just Stop Oil campaign for the immediate end to the use of hydrocarbons. They don’t mean we should consider a tapered reduction to meet a distant climate goal. They mean the immediate end of any use of oil right now. Ban it all by government diktat.
It is apparent to anyone the climate protestors themselves would starve within a few weeks of enacting this initiative as food would not reach supermarkets. Even when this is pointed out it makes no difference. We must stop using oil now. They are indifferent to counterargument. This extends to explorations of their views which often fail to meet even minimal standards of adult reasoning.
Examples abound. Citizens supporting illegal immigration of undocumented aliens, homosexuals cheering on Islamic fundamentalist groups who would condemn them to death, and feminists silent when girls and women are sexually assaulted by those same undocumented aliens they vocally support.
What is going on? What can explain this and similar phenomenon that has become more visible in recent years?
A theory of mind by the Oxford academic Iain McGilchrist, outlined in his book The Master and His Emissary, provides insights.
McGilchrist’s hypothesis focuses on the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain and how they differ. It has long been observed the two halves of the brain are not perfectly symmetrical and likely manage distinct mental processes. This is also seen in other species, including birds.
Briefly, McGilchrist suggests the right hemisphere deals with reality and the left constructs a model or schema of the world, although does not deal directly with the real world.
The two hemispheres are designed to work together, with the specialist hemispheric functions a result of efficient evolution. Each hemisphere handles information in a unique way and as a result perceives the world quite differently.
A simple example is a bird searching for seeds on a bed of gravel. The left hemisphere of the brain focuses on the detailed task of identifying seeds and avoiding gravel. It uses an internal model to help differentiate these elements, a simplified form of seeds and gravel and other relevant environmental components.
The right by comparison is concerned with everything else and scans the environment more widely in search of predators. It takes in a broad sweep and perceives the world as it really is without the intervention of internal representations or models.
The brain merges these different perceptions together to create a holistic view of the world and the same is true of human brains. Each hemisphere then has unique functions which combine to form a whole picture. To us as human beings this is a seamless experience far below conscious awareness.
McGilchrist’s theory explores what these different parts of the brain do, how each hemisphere differs and how they alter our perception of the world around us. And this provides clues as to why some people seem lost in a world of their own.
Attending to different things
The differences between the hemispheres can be understood in terms of attention.
The left has a narrow focus and makes use of preexisting knowledge. The right deals with reality and has a broader focus. Like our example above the bird focuses on the detail using the left hemisphere while the right scans everything else. The right attends to the world at large.
The left is concerned with what is known and is used for precision, for grasping a thing or a concept. To manage this we therefore need some simplified understanding of the world, a map or representation of the environment or concept we wish to grasp.
Put another way the left re-presents information whereas the right attends to raw input, life as it is. The left is analytical and reductionist whereas the right is holistic and constructive, trying to build up a picture.
The left’s narrow attention is fragmented. It is trying to match input with its internal model of the world. It is fast and is satisfied when something matches the mental map.
The right maintains a broader, more sustained version of the world. It attends to input from the environment as it unfolds in real time. A continuous scanning providing a flow of information.
Attention, then, is key to understanding how one brain splits function to improve efficiency.
Making sense of the world
The left hemisphere has a theory and it uses this to make sense of the world. It wants everything consistent with this theory or model and struggles to see contradictory evidence. The left ignores anything it doesn’t like.
The right looks at the real world as it is. It even seeks out contradictory evidence to challenge established theories or models. It embeds everything within a wider context it cannot ignore. Because the left lacks this real-world context it reinforces itself and therefore lacks any check against incorrect models.
The left therefore does not have true insight or understanding. It is akin to a cataloguing operation where everything is checked against the model not the world. As a consequence the left hemisphere can be very literal, missing nuance. This is a black and white world where shades of grey are overlooked or dismissed.
However, we don’t just observe the world, we interact with it and change it in the process. We then have a tendency to recreate what is inside our heads, further reinforcing the accuracy of a flawed representation of reality.
This is what McGilchrist means by the master and his emissary. The right is the master, it has a global view. The emissary is sent out into the world to accomplish a narrow task he is trained to do. This expertise can encourage a false sense of confidence since it lacks the broader view and the many uncertainties it throws up.
If we focus on some phenomenon from our mental map, like systemic racism, our left hemisphere will quickly find things that match and rapidly trigger a deep sense of confidence this phenomenon exists. The match feels right. It reinforces the preexisting theory no matter how weak the original idea. In this way, through flawed ideas, we can build a distorted view of reality as a model in our heads, then quickly find ways to convince ourselves it must be correct.
And this left hemisphere reinforcement can be dangerous.
The theory is the world
The left has evolved to be good at theorizing and mapping. However, because the left has no capacity to deal accurately with the real world and can be resistant to anything upsetting the theory, it is not a reliable way to make sense of things as a whole. Its purpose is to focus with precision, to grasp and understand using the internal model.
To make matters worse the left hemisphere comes armed with strong conviction because it is concerned with matching preexisting information in its model. This is its primary focus. Like a hall of mirrors the left has a tendency to amplify positive matches with artificial intensity making quick analyses inappropriately high in confidence.
It feels all too real when some part of an internal model or schema receives reinforcement from a sliver of input. A white police officer shooting dead an unarmed young black man in the dead of night can reinforce a mental map based on white-on-black racism. The circumstances, the darkness, the stress and the rapidly unfolding sequence of events that contributed to a complex situation ending in tragedy are filtered out. White cops are racist. The proof is in the headline.
As a result of this confidence there is a tendency for people to begin to believe the model or theory is the world, when in fact it is a simplified version, intentionally crude to help make sense of things. The detail, the subtlety of reality, is then missing.
The model-as-world can engender a false confidence in mastery of our environment when in fact the very simplicity of the model is what gives it its power. It categorizes and packages up complexity as a kind of reference tool. When enough of these internal references are seen as present in the world it feels like a match, which in turn feels like confirmation for the whole model.
Our internal models are to the world what sheet music is to one of Mozart’s symphonies. It does accurately represent something real but lacks the depth, range and majesty of the real thing. The left hemisphere mistakes the sheet music for the full work. Its only understanding of the symphony is the musical notation, not the sound of the music or the emotion it can trigger. All this is absent.
This anaemic representation is good enough when the left is subordinated to the more globally focused right hemisphere, it serves a crucial function, but is too narrow to be the final word. Music is much more than marks on paper.
For those prone to this conceit, that their internal representation is the thing to attend to and not to translate real world phenomenon, this false confidence can be fatal for them and, increasingly, the whole world.
Right, left, then right again
The notion of left and right hemispheres should be understood as two parts of a holistic system. Each hemisphere has a focus, but combine to create conscious awareness.
Both hemispheres are needed. No one is a right brain or a left brain person. We always use both. However this process of merging output from both can fail, leading to problems with perception.
To understand hemispheric merging we can imagine a river with water flowing fast. A large rock in the middle of the river forces the water to flow around it, one on the left and one on the right. These then merge beyond the rock and the river flows forward.
If we observe the water at the exact midpoint where the rock sits we can discern two distinct water flows. Further downstream, beyond the rock, they blend back into one seamless river. This is how human perception works with the brain’s hemispheres splitting attention then fusing it back together deep below our conscious awareness.
The correct process for managing information using both hemispheres is the following:
Step 1 - information is processed via the right hemisphere; reality is attended to;
Step 2 - information is processed by the left using maps and models; the internal model is used to make sense of the input;
Step 3 - information is passed back to the right to embed within a bigger, global context — this is synthesis; preexisting knowledge is tested against the real world and its veracity is confirmed or refuted.
Today we see evidence some get stuck at Step 2. We take in information and pass it to the left hemisphere and catalogue and organize it. We make sense of the world this way.
This is what we mean when we say left or right hemisphere people. It is not that the left hemisphere operates independently. Our brains always use both. But information gets stuck, so to speak, and ideas, concepts and input from the real world fails to become synthesized. We struggle to make sense of observable phenomena. In some cases we ignore observations and facts that upset our existing understanding of a thing when left hemisphere thinking dominates.
If it is not passed back to the right to operate within some real-world context it is forever tainted. It becomes difficult to spot discrepancies. The left hemisphere after all seeks to maintain its models and theories. It resists change and modification. It is quick to confirm a match and will conveniently overlook contradictory evidence that challenges existing models.
Sound familiar?
Our modern world, at least in the West, is increasingly characterized by this model-driven mentality.
This manifests as adherence to ideas, concepts and visions that have not arisen naturally from ordinary human interaction, embedded as they are in reality.
The industrial revolution, for example, was an organic nexus of engineers, businessmen, financiers and government agents in Britain. No one was in charge and it had multiple players in multiple locations. It seemed to emerge from nowhere.
It was undirected despite its ultimate impact everywhere. It arose to explicitly tackle real world issues and adapted quickly to solve problems the originators never conceived of. The entire process was anchored in reality. It represents right hemisphere thinking. Existing models were continuously tested against reality and adapted accordingly. A synthesis of new ideas adapted by experience which then were acted upon to change the world, with this new world feeding into new models.
Climate change initiatives by comparison have been imposed on whole nations from a small number of top-down processes. All are driven through government legislation despite considerable resistance from industry and ordinary people.
The climate initiatives are based on literal models developed in universities. They are a product of left hemisphere thinking. Despite the complexity of the area, and a host of dissenters also in academia, absolutely nothing has stopped its adoption.
Climate models are complex. But compared to real climate systems they are simple to the point of being useless. When we further extend the models to predict conditions 80 years in the future they are fantasy. That is to say, they are crude representations of real phenomenon such as sea levels, temperature ranges and pollution measurements. They are predictions of complex systems that cannot predict anything accurately but do document something related to weather and climate just like sheet music.
Anthropogenic climate change is promoted as settled science, a term that closely aligns with left hemisphere thinking and its need for confirming some concept or theory and the satisfaction in doing so.
Until recently the term “settled science” itself would have triggered howls of derision as scientific methodology rests upon the notion of skepticism and exploration, right hemisphere activities, and not the reaching of conclusions or questionable notions of consensus.
The real world exists. We collect information and data from it. Time and again we see novel ideas and models reinforced although rarely challenged. Serious challengers to popular theories are marginalized and written off as dangerous cranks. Their ideas do not fit the narrative.
This is happening everywhere, from hard science to cultural fads, the left hemisphere brigade rule supreme, bolstered by the false confidence of their simplistic worldview and with built in defences to stave off even robust and coordinated attacks.
This observation is the defining feature of our era, and its footprint can be seen everywhere.
Here are just a few examples that illustrate the extent of this problem.
Social control and global government
There are many proposed initiatives to control us. All are social engineering schemes of some form or another.
Examples include programmable central bank digital currencies that will limit what you can buy. Restrictions on movement are popular and include cars with kill switches as well as permission-based systems of travel. Diet and control of agriculture are already targets. All those cheeseburgers are killing the planet. And internet regulation, especially the destruction of anonymity, has been a persistent dream of governments everywhere.
All this is said to improve society. We cannot be left to run our own lives as we will make the wrong choices. With regular money we just smoke and drink, and the cheeseburgers don’t help the planet either. We must let our betters manage these complex affairs.
Needless to say the basis of this are simple models inside the heads of our great thinkers, politicians and bureaucrats. The giveaway are the slogans. Net zero, meat is murder, net neutrality.
This is a major tell. The real world can rarely be reduced to such inanities due to its complexity. What is the slogan for a successful marriage, a productive life or overcoming the death of a loved one?
These things appeal to technocrats and managerial types who crave control over others. What is in their minds driving them is a perfect model for how society ought to operate.
Rational planning trumps chaos because rational planning promises to be plannable. A real world cannot be planned much. To the insecure this seems broken rather than normal.
This is left hemisphere capture. Simplified theories of economic planning, reduction in meat consumption, itself based on simplistic ideas about nutrition, and the more efficient movement of people all feel very achievable if only they are given the power to deliver them. The left thinker is a slave to these fictions.
It is lost on our would-be overlords this has all been tried before and did not succeed. The Soviet Union ultimately failed then it stagnated, and along the way killed millions. Their commissars too had a model of the new Soviet man who stubbornly refused to materialize. The pristine model did not match the rather more realistic Russian substrate they were forced to work with.
Despite past failures, authoritarian notions of societal control are fashionable once again.
Crime minus punishment
The world of criminal activity has attracted every crackpot idea imaginable over the decades and centuries. Rehabilitation is usually the umbrella term used to disguise any number of initiatives aiming to take the edge off antisocial behaviour and its consequences.
Western societies have tried almost everything from light jail sentences, psychiatric interventions, drugs, behavioural therapy, holding hands, praying for divine intervention and everything else to avoid the firing squads and gallows we used to employ.
Much of the drive is a variation on redemption. Everyone deserves a second chance. We cannot throw people on the scrapheap. Some have had a difficult childhood. His dog died and it sent him into a spiral of depression so he was compelled to commit mass murder. They are all just misunderstood by a primitive world in the grips of vengeance.
The left hemisphere model in play is based on an unrealistically rosy view of human nature. Most people are decent. They rarely engage in criminal activity, and almost never succumb to violence. This is the experience many of us have of life. Most people are nice.
Because of this many of our views on crime and punishment are based on a false view of human nature. That everyone is inherently good. Throw in some pop psychology, where everyone can change, improve or evolve and you have the ingredients for a crude theory of personal development with just enough evidence from our own lives that real personal development is achievable. People can diet, improve their finances or go to the gym. Change is possible, all that is needed are the right conditions. Maybe a kind word.
But as any police officer or prison guard can tell you some are beyond any redemption. Those professionals are forced to live within brutal reality. Child molesters, psychopaths, contract killers. Hardened criminals who view redemption arcs and rehabilitation as a farce. Their world is kill or be killed.
The current fad of emphasizing some vortex of childhood trauma, questionable psychological theories and post-Christian morality contributes toward a distorted mental model increasingly applied to everything from shoplifters to child molesters. All of them are misunderstood souls who just need the right environment to get on the straight and narrow.
This is left hemisphere thinking writ large. No experienced police officer believes this. They understand reality. The first job of the criminal justice system is to remove criminals from circulation. The rest is questionable. Releasing them on to the street within hours of committing crimes is a recipe for more crime.
None of this common sense makes the slightest dent. Today’s theories on rehabilitation are just as hopeless as all the previous attempts.
And yet we routinely see criminals let off with light punishments. Many are released early. In some jurisdictions crimes like shoplifting and petty thefts are not prosecuted.
We also see these models absorb aspects of other current fads like systemic racism and sexism. The law, whose power stems from its equal application, becomes weakened as we see interventions to accommodate these elements that often come with pleasing models of their own.
None of this bears any relation to real life. Crimes are crimes. We codify behaviours that are forbidden and each has its punishment. But left hemisphere thinking is unable to accommodate reality. The model or the theory is everything.
Mass immigration and multiculturalism
No human is illegal. We need immigrants to prop up the health service and industries we ourselves invented. We are a nation of immigrants. Just one big melting pot that half a century ago was homogeneous.
Mass immigration into white countries continues apace. Record numbers migrate each year. Increasingly we are aware illegal immigrants are not only allowed to stay but often quickly given public help and even preferential treatment.
If ever there was an overly simplistic model driving public policy it is mass immigration into European nations in Europe and North America. That simplicity extends to the content of the model which is not about migration patterns. It is about race and ethnicity.
The left hemisphere wants a basic representation of reality, not a complex one. Different peoples can be categorized by superficial differences in skin tone and facial features. This works well for a simple model or theory.
Because models are crude, and used for basic pattern matching, they can lack depth. Literal skin deep differences are a perfect example. For advocates of multiculturalism, a concept that has never worked anywhere, the model in their heads is just a collection of different races like a series of ethnic dolls.
When troubling differences surface and are brought to the attention of the diversity crowd they cannot register, that’s not what their model is for. It is there to accommodate life affirming ideas about social harmony and niceness. We might look a little different but under the skin we are all the same. That’s the part of the model that is reinforced or challenged.
Most pushback to mass migration fails for this reason. Diversity is seen as a strength because criticism provides a perfect opportunity to demonstrate how broadminded the simple-minded are. Their model, based mainly on visible ethnic differences, is challenged, so your reasoned concerns about migration volumes, building houses and cultural clashes sound like xenophobia.
The total disconnect between advocates of mass immigration and its critics is a perfect reflection of what left hemisphere thinking does to individuals and ultimately society. We are observing the same phenomena but seeing different things, one reality and the other a fantasy. The fantasy is much simpler than the real world whose features it cannot capture.
There are many other great causes in society that follow these same principles. The erosion of liberty in most Western nations under the guise of protecting special groups; climate alarmism and the aggressive green industry; the woke phenomenon with its continual evolution of invented rights; and endless war propagated by elites who want to dominate the world based on outdated ideas.
What they have in common is an adherence to a simplified view of the world. Mental fabrications are employed to compare favourably with the mess of the real world. None of them work which should be enough to relegate them to the dustbin of history. But in a left hemisphere dominated environment failure is not perceived as broken models but as insufficient effort to match the theory or the fantasy utopia that advocates believe we can realize. If we just push a little harder it must work. The theory tells us so.
This is what a left hemisphere world is like. Reality unfolds regardless. Criminals engage in criminal activity for complex reasons and they don’t care about your views on redemption. Normal people don’t yearn for rational planning by distant elites, they just live life and make the best of it.
Inviting millions of people from failed states doesn’t make them become us. They are them and are quite happy being so. Fantasies about melting pots have to avoid some difficult realities about ethnic and cultural differences simple models cannot cope with, although real life manages just fine as do ordinary people.
Reality bites, except with utopian thinking. Then reality is held at bay by swimming in a mental soup that bears no relation to the horrors of the real world. The left hemisphere dominants damn us all to decline and mediocrity while their passions run amok as they stand apart from the realists and wonder why we understand so little. This is a truly mad world ran by the lost.
We must challenge mental weakness
Using McGilchrist’s hypothesis we could suggest some people are prone to lean on left hemisphere thinking. We would perhaps say sharing of information from the left hemisphere to the right is overly inhibited. Once something matches the model it is taken as gospel and there is a tendency to seek only information confirming the model even to the extent of banning discussion of alternative data.
We see this very behaviour today. Many topics are closed to discussion. We shuffle forward into a technocratic world not of our making, forbidden to question things our grandparents would not have tolerated.
But why is this happening? It is not stupidity as the maintenance of mental models requires a degree of intelligence. Why are some prone to left hemisphere thinking? Why are they resistant to change even when time and again the model-as-world approach is destroyed by reality?
It can be understood as a kind of indulgence. Many of us have pet theories and ideas of how the world works. But being open to reality often means they are subject to change as we learn more on a topic.
In some cases we learn we are wrong. This is especially true when young as most of our models are limited due to inexperience. Over time, for the hemispherically balanced at least, this happens often.
In time this acts as a kind of meta feedback loop where we learn to be suspicious of our own internal models, triggering the right hemisphere activity of seeking real-world confirmation or refutation. When you’ve had a few cherished theories of your own trashed by real life you learn how fallible you really are.
We used to think of this as an acquired skill. Seeking out contradictory information and new data was not only a thing that could be learned but something worth cultivating to be considered educated.
Today the educators themselves seem lost in the throes of any number of appealing mental jails and revel in their willingness to reject attempts to refute their position. Settled science and its analogues in the humanities reign supreme.
The media too embrace this rejection of free thought or challenges to established positions. Many years ago Britain’s primary news broadcaster, the BBC, announced the science on climate was settled and they would no longer entertain debate on the matter lest the climate deniers gain publicity.
It has often been noted it is much of the educated professional class who drive questionable ideas. These are often the midwits, the laptop class, the media people and academics. They consistently embrace every deranged theory of the world and seem impervious to contrary information.
Conversely, it is hard to find plumbers who worry about trans genocide just as it is easy to find university graduates who think decolonization of literature is meaningful activity.
Perhaps in this sense the reliance on left hemisphere models and the confidence they attract is a kind of addiction, the flare of confirmation a private moment the limited use to elevate themselves above the rabble. They imagine they see further, and when we point out some real-life phenomenon that challenges the model their left hemisphere dominated minds not only filter it out with ease but convince them we lack their brilliant vision.
We don’t possess the model because they think our understanding is inferior. None of those plumbers really get it.
This operates like a self-reinforcing mental prism convincing the left hemisphere dominant people of their superior understanding of the world while us intellectual peasants grapple with the real world and the complexity it constantly throws our way. Our evident confusion is real as is their false confidence.
Theirs is a simpler world, squeaky clean in its modelled simplicity. Ours is the squalid reality defying easy understanding. Life is what it is. Life is always tragic. Utopian schemes, then, have initial barriers to overcome before we can adopt them. To the left hemisphere dominants this hesitation must seem like a lack of understanding of their vision.
When we see people who hysterically overreact to criticism of their position perhaps it is a protection mechanism to retain this private sensation, to ensure the satisfying model remains intact so they can secure a future supply of dopamine every time some element is matched. What better way to retain the smugness we see all around us from people who seem unable to think for themselves?
During the Covid era the unbearable confidence of some for lockdowns and masks stood in contrast to the obvious propaganda behind it. No matter how insane the push they all stood in line like sheep, their perfect mental maps intact as they scoffed at the antivaxxer morons. The disconnect in such an unprecedented event was unusually obvious. Able people, most educated professionals, seemed unable to even consider malfeasance or Big Pharma skulduggery.
This is the world we seem to inhabit. The mid-range talent in all the key positions absolutely convinced their little fantasies will play out while the world burns around them and slips into chaos.
If so we are in quite a pickle. Only time will tell if reality can impose itself on people who rely on left brain thinking. But the real difficulty for them is the unavoidable fact reality exists whether they like or not. No matter how adept the left hemisphere is at rejecting evidence to maintain an illusion no one hides from the real world forever.
Many modern fads seem unreasonable. People are convinced the world will end despite contrary evidence. Profound cultural changes to society enacted in haste are championed while the wise are derided as enemies of progress all because they spout hate facts some cannot accommodate. Your insistence men cannot be women or that polar bears haven’t actually went extinct can be made to seem backward and unsophisticated.
Many of the examples listed above make our lives difficult. In most cases only Western nations attend to them. The rest of the world is indifferent.
Most people are forced to live in reality thanks to daily hardships anchoring them in the real world. No one in Burkina Faso worries about being misgendered just as the Indian government understands green energy initiatives are a luxury of the wealthy with little to worry about.
There can only be one cure to this malady, an immersion in real life. Even the Covid restrictions eventually died thanks to reality asserting itself many times over. The unvaccinated weren’t dying, lockdowns were repeatedly shown to do nothing and everyone eventually stopped wearing masks.
Left hemisphere thinking prevails. It explicitly cannot accommodate reality, and this defines our age. The antidote is more reality and that requires courage to tell it like it is, warts and all. Everyone after all has a right hemisphere too even if the left dominates their thinking.
Real life is the acid bath that cleanses us from the sin of self-generated bullshit we see so many swim through, and it operates best when it retains the hardness the realists work hard to endure.
Men are not women, so stop trying to make us play along with a nonsense because you won’t do the inner work to tame your demons we played no part in creating. Man up, accept the world as it is and the unique properties of the women you seek to emulate.
Learn to overcome your anxiety of the opposite sex and enjoy the swish of their skirts, the fragrance of their expensive hair and the flash of their shapely ankles like real men do. They are the women, not you.
We are told alien peoples who consistently fail to accomplish even basic civilizational milestones like building roads or running water are just like us. They are not and we cannot exploit them as cheap labour to bolster GDP numbers without succumbing to the downward pull of low IQs and primitive social practices we banished millennia ago. They are not us. Only we are us.
Whatever the mechanics of anthropogenic climate change the world’s polluters are not in the West, they are elsewhere. You don’t need to be a climate scientist to understand this you only need to be able to operate Google Image search. Recent photos of New Delhi look like 19th century Britain; 21st century Britain doesn’t.
We will not destroy our economies and our civilization to accommodate the emotional needs of histrionic communists who imagine we cannot see the immature urge to control the world behind their saving-the-planet pronouncements.
Massive centralized bureaucracy is a cancer on society. It cannot even run itself. This has been documented in detail for over a century.
The greatness of the Anglosphere is built on an awareness of the opposite phenomenon, that some peoples have the rare and precious capacity for individual sovereignty, like a microgovernment operating inside our own heads.
We don’t need people managing our lives, our diets or our reading habits. That was all understood by 1215 when England’s barons held a knife to King John’s throat and told him from that point on the state would have no place within the realm of the individual’s private world without strong reasons and judicial review.
No one can interfere with our lives without exceptional circumstances. It worked then just as it does now, and it is in the DNA of every Briton, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealander and even the Irish and the white South Africans. We are our own world and we don’t need anyone else running it.
All this is reality. The rest is fantasy, a product of left hemisphere modelling, all of it a limited facsimile of a tangible complex world some find difficult to cope with. So they don’t bother. They project their fictions and work hard to convince us their theories and their foolish ideas are the real world instead.
We reject this formulation and they seem to forget it is our world too. The countermeasure then is not more fantasy but ever more reality in ever stronger doses. It is an awareness that invented utopias feel appealing because they are simple. They round off the corners of a sharp, unyielding reality that always exists.
But that’s the one we actually live in, that’s the world we ourselves created and the world we love, so let’s get to it. Let us expose the fictions as fiction, let us shotgun some right-hemisphere reality into their thick skulls. Let’s defeat them in the hard crucible of a real world they so hate. Let them eat reality.
Well Spiff, if ya weren’t on a list before... I wonder if an ‘edge of state space’ existence ala The Art of Not Being Governed is still possible in the US. I’m not thrilled about cave dwelling like Kingsnorth sometimes hints at nor do I think proper resistance is possible from that weakened state. Thriving while invisible should be the goal. I think all this writing and thinking has us butting up against the hard work of figuring that part out. Pragmatically, actionable suggestions shouldn’t be typed out here.
You deserve more reader comments, S.S.
We are facing into an electronic version of The Burning of The Great Books of The Western World.
Less visible, over a longer period and not on a linear trajectory.
Will be the subject of a subsequent essay.
Meanwhile . . .
Of Washington's lost Ukrainian Proxy War to weaken Russia and pillage its resources, perhaps the greatest and most feckless imperial play, something of a progress update.
The long and rich history of the contemporary genocides of the cultured, cultivated Europeans, The Americans and the Brits., to nominate yet a few.
Free to subscribe . . . The Dead Do Not Die.