Substack indulging any of these people in any level is not a good sign. We’ve all seen how that goes. Agreeing to silence “Nazis” is a foot in the door. These people define anything they don’t like as Nazism. Bend on one thing and set the precedent and it’ll only be a matter of time.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Author

Hence the piece above. I didn't think I'd write on this subject again, but felt that was worthy of comment.

And you are right. The emotive labels of Nazi helps sell censorship to the casual observer while establishing censorship itself as legitimate.

We need to remind people censorship is always wrong. Terms and conditions are known upfront and applicable to all - no one can incite harm etc. So I think it is important we emphasize these distinctions.

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I like your more nuanced take here. As a free speech absolutist, I am not even for banning what people call Nazis. Let everyone speak, write, etc. Every time someone brings up harm, they will inevitably say something about yelling fire in a crowded theater. This was a poor argumentation by the Supreme Court to incarcerate an anti-war communist during WWI. Let people say whatever objectionable things they wish. Better in the open than pushed to some back room. Obviously, the creators/owners of Substack can do as they see fit. But they have what, I believe, is the most vigorous open market of ideas created and it will be a shame to watch it be whittled away by sermonizing scolds. But it will be whittled away by the scolds.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Author

I agree. I want to see it all. I don't care who is offended.

I can live with the standard caveat. No incitement to harm. That gives site owners an out if anyone goes off the rails.

But the scolds are on a mission from God. They believe their own hype, always a dangerous position.

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Jan 10Liked by Spaceman Spiff

"Time will tell" is the best strategy at this stage. I presume you saw Singal's article?

Link: https://jessesingal.substack.com/p/platformers-reporting-on-substacks

I like what Helen McDale said: there's a real fog of news right now. Why are so many "pro-free speechers" virtually routing from the field based on Platformer's piece? It's ridiculous.

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Jan 10Liked by Spaceman Spiff

I'm sure by now everybody's tired of the famous example of actual Nazis marching in Skokie*. Actual Nazis, complete with swastika. Point is, the labels ultimately didn't matter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Party_of_America_v._Village_of_Skokie#Supreme_Court_ruling_and_subsequent_cases

* Well, after a lengthy legal battle they won the right to march in Skokie, although they ended up marching in Chicago.

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Off topic but I just have to follow you because of your nick and pic. ❤️

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Jan 10Liked by Spaceman Spiff

'We should indeed clamp down on Nazis but leave everyone else alone.'

Yeah, that statement made me uncomfortable.

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Me too. Part nonsense, part concession to get them off your back, which doesn't work.

The rules are clear. The group you belong to, or the thing they label you, is irrelevant. No idea why anyone struggles with this concept. Emotional thinking prevails.

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there is “never enough x” for leftists

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