Jul 17Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Impressive read, Spiff. Thanks 🙏

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Thank you. Glad you liked.

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Excellent. “Progress” and its conflation with “sophistication” has become the only ideal remaining in the West.

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Indeed. Sophistication. It seems to be the unsophisticated thinkers who lust after this the most.

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As we become a starving and polluted world, sophistication (e.g. the ability and desire to believe lies) is losing its mojo. Those who listen to and believe the "leaders" of the Western world are fools comparable to those who took their own lives in Jonestown 46 years ago. The hysteria and fear generated by the government and its compliant and crooked media are leading more and more people to violence and insanity.

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Are words "Sophisticated" and "Sophism" logically connected?

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Well we certainly see a lot of sophistry. When I was younger I didn't understand why the Greeks were so scathing of sophists. Now I get it. Using impressive rhetorical skills in the service of mindless personal gain. There is something empty and desperate about it. Squandering real talent.

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It is questionable whether any real talent exists in government or the media. The panic over climate change and the fantasy that Russia is determined to do precisely what the USSA is doing has made people stark, raving goofy.

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Jul 17Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Another brilliant read, you cover so many serious issues but still manage to come out with wonderful lines like " it must provide an irresistible sense of smugness to know that you are the one-eyed man in the rainbow - decked land of the blind".

Your articles always cover what needs to be covered in a serious way but with that sense of fun running through them, that's the best way I can describe it. I think it's that which gives you the ability to make a person actually pause and reflect on the paragraph they've just read. That indeed is a talent.

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You are very kind, Veronica. I do put in a lot of effort to the articles. John Carter and I worked on that one for several months in fact.

Thank you for reading and I am glad you enjoyed it.

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Jul 17Liked by Spaceman Spiff

It definitely wasn't wasted effort, I've just been clearing a few screenshots so I can study it further when I turn wifi off, that's assuming you don't mind.

Your posts should be put together in a book as they're always full of points to reflect on no matter what the subject. That's not me being kind, merely being honest. I'd definitely buy it!

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You never know. I am working on a few books at the moment. So watch this space.

And I don't mind what you do with the articles. Help yourself.

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Jul 17Liked by Spaceman Spiff

Thank you. I've just got time to get the screenshots before my close down of using wifi time.

Look forward to hearing about any books you release. 😊

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