17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs agoLiked by Spaceman Spiff

Excellent piece, and I passionately hope you are correct about the end of this insanity. There is no question that the current propaganda driven state most closely resembles late stage Soviet Russia in its denial of reality. I would defend your use of the word “traditional” especially in terms of the family and gender roles because while they have evolved similarly in all cultures for practical reasons they are also traditional to those cultures and the word evolved has different connotations to many people.

The essay is full of excellent points but the word “transmaggeddon” is priceless.

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Indeed. Transmaggedon. That is what some of them think is coming. They are lost souls.

And I do think it is ending because reality exists.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Spaceman Spiff

I would argue that the word "traditional" in this text (and others like it) should be avoided, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, because of how it's been tinged in the public consciousness as "bad" when it comes to everything outside of non-white peoples' cultures, cuisine, and such.

Secondly, and more importantly, because autonomous, natural, spontaneous and evolved all are more correct when it comes to family structure, systems of ethics and laws, notions of justice and fairness as such, and so on with the anthropological descriptors.

Why men were forced to become soldiers in the armies of nobles and kings will depend on where and when we look. The vikings weren't press-ganged nor were they serfs serving a feudal lord as a way of paying taxes, something many of their opponents were during the establishment of the Danelaw (and the again, many Englishmen were not beholden but were instead yeomen): this simple and in scope limited example serves to show how difficult it immediately becomes to claim "men this" or "women that". Or 1960s Tunisia could be compared to present-day Iran. Or 17th century rural Sweden with 17th century Swedish cities.

Basically, what one can claim is that when left to solve their own problems in their own ways, most if not all peoples no matter race or culture or whatever, will develop good methods - especially if failure means starving, freezing, or dehydrating due to implementing moronic ideas dreamed up by a priesthood (any priesthood).

Hence, evolved and autonomous and natural and spontaneous: not traditional. Tradition simply means doing something a certain way because that's the way it's always been done, good or bad, inefficient or "bene-efficient".

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All good points, and I agree. I think traditional is immediately accessible in this context though. It contrasts with artificial or enforced alternatives that would not emerge.

So perhaps "emergent" is the word.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs agoLiked by Spaceman Spiff

I like "evolved".

How about "organically evolved"? Not only is it literally true, there's also a little verbal jujitsu there.

Progs must publicly and loudly confess their faith in Teh Science!!1! - and "evolved" sounds sciency. Don't wanna argue against that! Who doesn't like "organic" and wants to argue against that either?

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13 hrs agoLiked by Spaceman Spiff

Verbal jiujitsu is it, exactly. Or judo (personal preference, due to bias).

Treat communication/information warfare as a combination of judo, chess and fencing, was one thing I used to bring up when I was still teaching.

And always remembering that the point is to win over the audience, and that the person you're sparring with is just a vehicle for that.

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While your criticism of 'priesthood' is well-founded, tribes who follow the advice of their mushroom-chomping shamans seem to do about as well as the globalists in the EU.

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Or better, I'd say.

If we continue with the image of a priesthood, the difference between that and a shaman (or sejdkarl, wiseman/-woman, et c) is that a priesthood is a bureaucracy first and foremost, and thus subject to all the vices and pitfalls and iron rules governing all bureaucracies unless consciously checked.

Terry Pratchett in his "Small Gods" used the image of a hermit crab to symbolise (a) religion: eventually, the crab dies inside its shell, but from the outside there's no visible difference, so people go on worshipping the shell of a dead thing. And after enough time, that there ever was a crab has been forgotten, and all that remains is a shell of rules and ritual with no other purpose to them than pure performance.

Certainly, that holds true for the UN, the WEF, the USA's actual leaders, and many other powerful groups thinking they follow some ideal or other while trampling all that said ideal allegedly is meant to be for the improvement of.

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I counter on memes, a far-right poke in the eye to "official propaganda." They're funny, fact-filled, and dispel hours of state drivel with a chuckle.

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GIFs, too. I wish I could find the one of Joe Biden tripping up the black lines of Hunter Biden's laptop investigation into AF1.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Spaceman Spiff

One if not the best for simplicity and sheer, brutal accuracy has to be the NPC meme... a very basic MS Paint drawing depicting a grey-faced person with a blank expression that can't have taken someone any longer than half an hour to create, yet the likeness in behaviour and predictability to video game NPC's cut our enemies so deep that it sent them into a mass noisy din of hysterical rage, semi-coherent rants condemning it and even having censorship enforced to ban it...

That meme is standing the test of time and is still popular and stil all but certain to trigger a typical Leftist wall of text to this day!

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Indeed. It is quite telling. The awareness they adopt stances to maintain social standing, and are easily derailed. They know it and so so we. That meme sums it up well.

Most of the world seems unwilling to use information for anything except personal gain and to bolster some weak sense of self.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Spaceman Spiff

To be sure propaganda has been successful all over the world, but Americans are particularly susceptible because they are relatively naive compared to the rest of the world.

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That era is ending. The divisions in Germany reflect this too. East Germans aren;t buying Western Liberalism at all.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Spaceman Spiff

On the plus side, propaganda isn't the only thing they're addicted to. If recent reports are anything to go by, a lot of their personal lives seem to be a chaotic mess of hedonism, chasing the next high.

The future belongs to them that can exercise self-discipline, run sane healthy households, be contributing members of their communities, build trust by being trustworthy, and keep their sh*t together, not these sideshow freaks.

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I absolutely agree. Self-discipline and an ability to focus would be just two fairly basic traits that seem to be in short supply. I am frequently astonished at the number of adults who cannot leave their phones alone for more than a few seconds.

I am currently on a kind of journey of self discovery myself as I remove distraction and improve my physical health. If I had to summarize what works it is living like it is 1975. Nothing fancy.

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Brilliantly put.

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Propaganda is the anti-Logos. It is sold to us as freeing us from the Logos. Young people want to be told they can be like gods... and so they buy it. There's a sucker born every minute. You are not NOT born that way; only faithful fathers prevent your being abused.

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You make some great points here, Spaceman Spiff! I like that you see and explain how their narrative of lies is ever more visibly failing, now that it has destroyed the very foundations of what was once Western Civilization.

I'd love to see this picture painted and story told without using the poison language our propagandizing victimizers have foisted on us. "When you use Their Verbiage, you legitimize Their Ideology".

Instead of using the words of their choosing (e.g. "Liberal", "Diversity", "Whiteness", "Anti-racist") which were chosen to facilitate our victimization, let's adopt words that center us and focus on our wellbeing, words like antiwhite, antiwhiteism, privileged groups, hate hoax, intruders, white erasure, westernkind and biospirit! Language that tells the story where WE are the heroes, and OUR NORMS are what is MORAL! To motivate our people, we must recapture the moral high ground. Undermining our moral high ground is how the antiwhites (temporarily?) defeated us.

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I think for pieces like this it is important to focus on the propaganda, and the use of their standard terms works. An article focused on the specific destruction of European heritage would need to challenge their language directly. This one is more about how the propagandists are losing.

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The part of their propaganda where they tells us what terms we will use to describe what they are doing, that part is still working, though?

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No I think we use words that are widely understood to make our points. Arguments can become lost in detail about words while the bigger point is missed. There is a time and place to challenge terminology. But most people don't care.

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