"This is how the delusionally enlightened think, and that spectacular disconnect from real life is why everything they produce is unwatchable, unreadable and unlistenable dogshit."
Whoa, now. That's being a little rough on dogshit, pal! Dogshit has some virtues....it feeds maggots to make flies, degrades into fine fertilizer, and is highly entertaining when your friend finds he's stepped in it. Let's give dogshit its due.
The Star Wars IP has been eviscerated by its promotion of The Message, but Disney executives don't care and keep doubling down on it even though their audience hates it and it hurts their brand. The question is: why do they do it anyway? Personally I think it's because the establishment promises Disney a piece of the unlimited Federal Reserve printed loldollars in return for pushing The Message, which they get through investments by Blackrock, and they also receive favorable legislation, media attention, and tax treatment, which would all be taken away if they resisted. In other words, their customer is no longer their audience but rather the owners of the Federal Reserve - a silent switch. Why worry about profits when the Federal Reserve will just print money and shove it at them? (This isn't a problem only related to Disney, of course, but to all multi-national corporations today).
I think they have long since stopped caring about financial issues. They are not alone. The movers and shakers in the corporate world have long abandoned capitalism or profit seeking. They have embraced their new religion.
I have no doubt in among the psychopaths are many true believers. Disney and other big names are just useful mechanisms to reach an audience. It is the same mentality that topples statues. Total indiference to culture, tradition or the time it takes to build such things.
I sincerely believe for us to survive it is us or them. No compromise.
Was just in a stupid argument on Twitter/X last week who wanted to insist that I was homophobic because I don’t really care for LGBTQ + aspects in shows or movies. I don’t really care for horror movies or Jim Carrey flatulence comedies either, but they couldn’t see it as just a difference in opinion. You can’t argue with insane.
This is the problem they don't see. Their need for "representation" is not a sign of confidence, yet they insist they are no different from anyone else.
I've had those conversations too. Our world is populated with intolerant people convinced they are the future and cannot see that they are just a fad.
Yes, and a generation (at least) of people who have never been sufficiently challenged in their accepted belief systems. So the result seems to be millions of folk who look exactly like adults, but are just kids who got older. It's probably too late to change them now, I fear.
As far as I can tell we are not allowed to have different opinions. People accuse me of being deliberately provocative because I refuse to go along with the crap they attempt to give us.
We've all seen the Tweets that become unintentional memes; some guy in a frock with a five o'clock shadow and a monobrow saying the men who don't find "her" attractive are gay, lol.
Lesbian gets pregnant! Poor thing she must have let one of those guys wielding his light sabre get to close to her 😜
From what I have gathered on Odysee, Disney has become a constant failure of late anyway, a case of go woke, go broke. To be honest from all I occasionally see bits about it I'm not sure why anyone would even attempt to watch anything they produce, before they went woke and since. Though I guess that depends on how a person watches a Disney film, especially that aimed at the younger audience.
The whole corporation stinks and I've never understood why more people don't kick up a mighty fuss about the amount of children that go missing, never to be found from their theme parks yearly.
As you said, it tells us a lot about the world we live in. I don't know about the acolytes running the asylum, the lunatics definitely are.
I nipped onto Odysee to find a 10 minute video on it, I think I saw the whole thing condensed into six minutes or rather the main points you made with a very funny commentary. That light sabre fight behind the trees! 😂
Just as the perverts currently in charge of Disney ruined the Indiana Jones franchise, they have done even worse with Star Wars . It is only a matter of time before it costs $200.00 / per idiot to attend Disneyland or Disney World. Of course, visitors (including children) will be given a six pack of Bud Light and a handjob as they enter the disgusting world of woke.
I think we can see an era when Disneyland looks like one of those abandoned Eastern European projects. The people running things in the West are cut from the same cloth. Most are basically communists.
Lots of narcissism in the similar tech/office world. Seems they fill their schedules with meetings to suck up and falsely congratulate each other on accomplishments, then later in the day they have other, limited hangout meetings to talk about and bash the earlier people and hype their superiority complexes. Oh, and acolyte and disney really suck too!!! God Bless!!!
Any time they seize control of a beloved property and destroy it with The Message, I’m reminded of a line from Sean Connery in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (another great franchise ruined by Disney)
“Elsa never really believed in the grail. She thought she'd found a prize.”
There is no chance that a film will be anything but garbage when the people making it have no good faith or reverence for the source material.
I am reminded of a meme, which I can't copypasta here so I'll quote the key bit
"In fairness I don't think we give this woman nearly enough credit. She managed to make lesbian space witches completely uninteresting to the 18 to 52 male demo. That is no small feat..."
Star Wars is and has always been about as deep as a puddle. It was ruined when Lucas thought people wanted to watch a three-part origin story devoid of fun and filled with uninteresting space politics, trade wars, and absurdly choreographed laser sword fights. Please just move on, everyone. Disney's target audience is not you or your kids anymore. It is the obese, blue haired they/thems that cover themselves with Disney tattoos and wear mouse ears permanently. That is who these is all spoon fed to. Just please stop giving them clicks. There's a whole outrage economy surrounding them and it's embarrassing.
A very good view of the problem. Zooming even further out,
"Years in the making, the spokespersons seemed genuinely outraged The Ukraine War was considered anything other than a masterpiece of geopolitical television. There was no discussion of the shoddy writing, the absurd plot holes, or the established fundamentals of Cold War anti-Communism and the corresponding mid-century promises of Western Liberal Democracy they ignored.
They also strenuously avoided discussing why Putin is Hitler and it is 1939 all over again, something of a feat given it saturates every frame of the production.
Fans’ concerns were quite legitimate. Poor writing, weak characters, even some who should not exist in this timeline. One popular character ought not to have been elected. This is the level of ineptness we are dealing with where the established reasons to oppose Godless Communism are ignored.
How do we explain this disconnect? How do we explain the casual contempt Neocons demonstrate for their own countrymen, let alone for the men of Ukraine?"
Ha! There is an article in that. Geopolitics, especially the tragedy of Ukraine, explored as a television show. You have hit on something important. The absurdity of it all. It is a farce.
That would make a good article. A fictional television critic analysing the Ukraine situation as a long running TV serial. Shoddy writing, plot holes, bad acting. And of course the predictable ending, lol.
"This is how the delusionally enlightened think, and that spectacular disconnect from real life is why everything they produce is unwatchable, unreadable and unlistenable dogshit."
Whoa, now. That's being a little rough on dogshit, pal! Dogshit has some virtues....it feeds maggots to make flies, degrades into fine fertilizer, and is highly entertaining when your friend finds he's stepped in it. Let's give dogshit its due.
I apologize unreservedly for comparing woke Disney output to canine waste. One does indeed serve a purpose. The other, not so much.
The Star Wars IP has been eviscerated by its promotion of The Message, but Disney executives don't care and keep doubling down on it even though their audience hates it and it hurts their brand. The question is: why do they do it anyway? Personally I think it's because the establishment promises Disney a piece of the unlimited Federal Reserve printed loldollars in return for pushing The Message, which they get through investments by Blackrock, and they also receive favorable legislation, media attention, and tax treatment, which would all be taken away if they resisted. In other words, their customer is no longer their audience but rather the owners of the Federal Reserve - a silent switch. Why worry about profits when the Federal Reserve will just print money and shove it at them? (This isn't a problem only related to Disney, of course, but to all multi-national corporations today).
I think they have long since stopped caring about financial issues. They are not alone. The movers and shakers in the corporate world have long abandoned capitalism or profit seeking. They have embraced their new religion.
I have no doubt in among the psychopaths are many true believers. Disney and other big names are just useful mechanisms to reach an audience. It is the same mentality that topples statues. Total indiference to culture, tradition or the time it takes to build such things.
I sincerely believe for us to survive it is us or them. No compromise.
Was just in a stupid argument on Twitter/X last week who wanted to insist that I was homophobic because I don’t really care for LGBTQ + aspects in shows or movies. I don’t really care for horror movies or Jim Carrey flatulence comedies either, but they couldn’t see it as just a difference in opinion. You can’t argue with insane.
This is the problem they don't see. Their need for "representation" is not a sign of confidence, yet they insist they are no different from anyone else.
I've had those conversations too. Our world is populated with intolerant people convinced they are the future and cannot see that they are just a fad.
Yes, and a generation (at least) of people who have never been sufficiently challenged in their accepted belief systems. So the result seems to be millions of folk who look exactly like adults, but are just kids who got older. It's probably too late to change them now, I fear.
Real life is quite the teacher.
As far as I can tell we are not allowed to have different opinions. People accuse me of being deliberately provocative because I refuse to go along with the crap they attempt to give us.
It’s like the trans crowd getting upset when the gender of their (romantic) choosing doesn’t want to date them. 🤦🏼♀️
We've all seen the Tweets that become unintentional memes; some guy in a frock with a five o'clock shadow and a monobrow saying the men who don't find "her" attractive are gay, lol.
Lesbian gets pregnant! Poor thing she must have let one of those guys wielding his light sabre get to close to her 😜
From what I have gathered on Odysee, Disney has become a constant failure of late anyway, a case of go woke, go broke. To be honest from all I occasionally see bits about it I'm not sure why anyone would even attempt to watch anything they produce, before they went woke and since. Though I guess that depends on how a person watches a Disney film, especially that aimed at the younger audience.
The whole corporation stinks and I've never understood why more people don't kick up a mighty fuss about the amount of children that go missing, never to be found from their theme parks yearly.
As you said, it tells us a lot about the world we live in. I don't know about the acolytes running the asylum, the lunatics definitely are.
Indeed. Be careful of men wielding their lightsabers, lol.
Disney is rapidly burning through its goodwill. It can't last.
I nipped onto Odysee to find a 10 minute video on it, I think I saw the whole thing condensed into six minutes or rather the main points you made with a very funny commentary. That light sabre fight behind the trees! 😂
It is a farce.
Just as the perverts currently in charge of Disney ruined the Indiana Jones franchise, they have done even worse with Star Wars . It is only a matter of time before it costs $200.00 / per idiot to attend Disneyland or Disney World. Of course, visitors (including children) will be given a six pack of Bud Light and a handjob as they enter the disgusting world of woke.
I think we can see an era when Disneyland looks like one of those abandoned Eastern European projects. The people running things in the West are cut from the same cloth. Most are basically communists.
They would have to pay me a darn sight more than $200 to enter a Disneyland let alone me pay them. 200 million dollars might make me think about it.
Lots of narcissism in the similar tech/office world. Seems they fill their schedules with meetings to suck up and falsely congratulate each other on accomplishments, then later in the day they have other, limited hangout meetings to talk about and bash the earlier people and hype their superiority complexes. Oh, and acolyte and disney really suck too!!! God Bless!!!
Any time they seize control of a beloved property and destroy it with The Message, I’m reminded of a line from Sean Connery in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (another great franchise ruined by Disney)
“Elsa never really believed in the grail. She thought she'd found a prize.”
There is no chance that a film will be anything but garbage when the people making it have no good faith or reverence for the source material.
Absolutely. They are oblivious. It is just a property with an audience attached for them to lecture.
I am reminded of a story from ancient Egypt, the iconoclastic pharaoh Akhenaten who decided that all of Egypt would adopt his new religion Atenism.
He wanted them to abandon their culture and belief in thr old gods to embrace worship of the sun disk.
His reform failed, and he was universally reviled. His name almost completely scrubbed from the historical record by his successors.
Yes. Deviating too far from what people expect can be dangerous. Since writing this they have cancelled Season 2 of the Acolyte. It is history.
I am reminded of a meme, which I can't copypasta here so I'll quote the key bit
"In fairness I don't think we give this woman nearly enough credit. She managed to make lesbian space witches completely uninteresting to the 18 to 52 male demo. That is no small feat..."
Star Wars is and has always been about as deep as a puddle. It was ruined when Lucas thought people wanted to watch a three-part origin story devoid of fun and filled with uninteresting space politics, trade wars, and absurdly choreographed laser sword fights. Please just move on, everyone. Disney's target audience is not you or your kids anymore. It is the obese, blue haired they/thems that cover themselves with Disney tattoos and wear mouse ears permanently. That is who these is all spoon fed to. Just please stop giving them clicks. There's a whole outrage economy surrounding them and it's embarrassing.
A very good view of the problem. Zooming even further out,
"Years in the making, the spokespersons seemed genuinely outraged The Ukraine War was considered anything other than a masterpiece of geopolitical television. There was no discussion of the shoddy writing, the absurd plot holes, or the established fundamentals of Cold War anti-Communism and the corresponding mid-century promises of Western Liberal Democracy they ignored.
They also strenuously avoided discussing why Putin is Hitler and it is 1939 all over again, something of a feat given it saturates every frame of the production.
Fans’ concerns were quite legitimate. Poor writing, weak characters, even some who should not exist in this timeline. One popular character ought not to have been elected. This is the level of ineptness we are dealing with where the established reasons to oppose Godless Communism are ignored.
How do we explain this disconnect? How do we explain the casual contempt Neocons demonstrate for their own countrymen, let alone for the men of Ukraine?"
Ha! There is an article in that. Geopolitics, especially the tragedy of Ukraine, explored as a television show. You have hit on something important. The absurdity of it all. It is a farce.
That would make a good article. A fictional television critic analysing the Ukraine situation as a long running TV serial. Shoddy writing, plot holes, bad acting. And of course the predictable ending, lol.