There are different types of people we can observe around us. Normals are the great mass of humanity. They don’t think too hard. They just get on with it. This is the majority.
Most Normals seek some confirmation from outside themselves, typically opinions and views from trusted sources. Many seem averse to thinking at all and almost none are independent thinkers in any meaningful sense.
This includes social mores. The majority look towards others for their cues on how to act which makes them easy to manipulate.
Social validation in differing forms is the controlling mechanism. What is the other fellow doing? That is what I must do.
Those doing the controlling are different. Many leadership positions are populated by people who display abnormal traits.
Cluster B disorders in particular are everywhere. Narcissistic, antisocial and histrionic behaviours are visible in many senior levels of society from politics to major charities.
These disordered people largely copy normal human emotions and behaviours. They are acting because they don’t experience life as the rest do.
Everything is a performance which provides enormous advantages to them as they climb their way up, but has the drawback of being fake.
We can call these people Mimics for convenience.
Today’s societies largely reflect the ascendency of Mimics as they seem to run many institutions we rely on, a situation referred to as a pathocracy.
The extreme version of the type is a psychopath, someone lacking conscience or empathy and therefore unable to enjoy the full human experience. Psychopaths are damaged people unencumbered by concerns with morality or social convention, so able to quickly get on in life.
Cluster B types have similar deficiencies that aid them in a myriad of ways and are more common than psychopaths. The end result is the same, leadership positions dominated by those with distorted thought patterns who quickly learn the majority of people prefer to be led and told what to do.
Some can resist
Both Normals and Mimics swim in the same waters. Normals because they are shaped by society and seek its approval. Mimics because they are faking it. They must scan the horizon at all times to ensure they are making it work. Their act is designed to reflect normality and the trophies it can bring so it must be calibrated to what works with an audience.
A need to seek approval draws these groups together. An external dependence they assume is universal if they even bother to think about it at all.
They are forever locked into a world dictated by the views and whims of others.
But there are individuals who can be defined by the fact they are much more self-sufficient. They do not seek external approval and are not subject to the judgment of others.
Everyone who resisted the Covid propaganda would be an example. This includes anyone who initially succumbed to the pressure but quickly worked out something was amiss.
The chief characteristic of this group is resistance to social pressure because they reject the need for external cues to guide behaviour.
The most extreme example of this phenomenon in society are schizoids, those indifferent to praise or criticism, largely motivated by inner drives and impervious to many forms of social stress.
As with the psychopaths, schizoids represent the extreme end of the insulated spectrum, but everyone resistant to today’s aggressive social controls share some schizoid traits to a greater or lesser degree.
We can call these the Resistant, individuals not dependent on external validation and naturally averse to being controlled. Independent thinkers who instinctively insulate themselves from the unthinking Normals who make up the bulk of humanity.
Because of their mental distance from the herd this group are often unmoved by the narratives controlling much of society.
Unlike the Mimics, the Resistant do not seek to control others and it is control that defines the West today, especially the ruling classes who fear the Normals waking up. They must be relentlessly managed via approved narratives lest they make the wrong decisions in life.
Mimics are naturally drawn to control since they are faking it. They run the constant risk of being discovered as fakes. Imposter syndrome rules their actions which drives the vigilance we commonly observe in their sensitivity to criticism and their enraged responses to being challenged. All this to stave off scrutiny.
It is the most broken who can be persuaded their fractured view of life is some grand vision that escapes the rest of us. Such people are everywhere and they are comically easy to control by appealing to their need for superiority which is why control is so attractive to them in turn. They assume it is a universal phenomenon.
Those who shun control are then a threat to their identity, hence the aggressiveness with which the independently minded are pursued. They cannot be left in peace, a very striking observation of today, the zeal with which nonconformists are targeted even when minding their own business.
Performers need an audience
The majority, then, are externally driven. They need praise, cheering on, and obvious support, particularly when performing good deeds, an inversion of the traditional Christian philosophy of private charity kept to oneself.
The public nature of this encourages a culture of orchestrated visibility while supporting others. Everyone can see they are playing the game, and they receive important social credit in return.
Public displays of this sort, however, easily degenerate into artificial performances to demonstrate they are taking part where the act becomes secondary to the social effect. This is the essence of virtue signalling, and the reason many causes fade so rapidly. Who still sports a Ukraine flag on their profile? Who now is occupying Wall Street? Who worries about the ozone layer?
A performance requires tuning in to audience appraisal. The narcissists and other Cluster Bs do this automatically. They are naturals. They are already unusually sensitive to everything around them including social cues many of us overlook.
The antidote to this fake world is those internally driven. They don’t need praise, supervision or cheerleading.
Such people are a mystery to the current crop of leaders. Indifferent to their charms or their threats.
Today is a circus clown show world where virtually every act of destruction from statue toppling to castrating boys is a literal act by empty vessels whose identity is propped up by an attentive, cheering audience. Those indifferent to this must seem unimaginably strong if a little weird.
There are probably more Resistants than we realize. The most extreme of them, the schizoids, naturally withdraw. You won’t find them with impressive Instagram followings or Twitter feeds. They are artificially absent from the public square as a result, at least to casual observers.
This is true of many who share these traits. They don’t seek likes or followers. Few of them are influencers. That is a general truism in anyone internally driven who lacks the need for external validation. They are missing from spaces that trade in mutual backslapping or virtue signalling.
And ultimately it is this self-driven strength that is needed as a counter to the declining world we inhabit. People insulated from fads as well as threats.
Could tomorrow’s heroes be this largely invisible group? People indifferent to the slings and arrows of the online drama that has made the enemies of civilization so prominent?
Only time will tell. But the future cannot be hypersensitive, mentally compromised individuals spouting reheated nonsense from think tanks and focus groups that no one else believes. This is what Western Liberalism has degenerated into and it is dying under the weight of its own absurdities. Men are women; no human is illegal; intermittent energy sources can support major economies.
Its adherents increasingly look like out of touch imbeciles lost in fantasy. Their incessant need to perform and receive applause has created the most absurd of echo chambers. Witness the tone-deaf pronouncements from the World Economic Forum, indifferent to the hardships of ordinary people as they plan their science fiction future no one believes will ever happen except them. They dream of sustainable 15-minute cities and nutritionally efficient insect burgers while people cannot afford to heat their homes and their children are displaced by mass immigration.
The WEF meetings at Davos are attended by Mimics. They got there because they will agree to anything if it gets them on in life. They are playing a game they imagine we don’t quite grasp, the implied superiority the real source of their enthusiasm. The rest of us see clowns operating an elaborate circus that increasingly bears no relation to reality which marches on regardless.
Much of this functions within a framework both Normals and Mimics intrinsically understand, a world where words carry weight because of the threat of social exile. Racism, sexism and homophobia. You are a carbon denier and climate terrorist, I am a recycler and embracer of windmills and therefore superior. This works with almost everyone they meet because they only meet people like themselves.
Perhaps the Resistant will act as a foil to the schemes of the deranged since their magic words are less effective, their threats of social rejection ignored.
That’s the problem with the Mimics, remove the compliant audience and all we are left with are shells containing broken people with mental aberrations. As their audiences melt away they will take their scripted ideas with them as well as their social controls.
Whenever their powers are challenged they are exposed as the actors they really are, their incompetence immediately apparent. Their utopias look like San Francisco and Portland, not the glistening supercities they promised. That’s what happens when actors play parts and real life intrudes. That’s what the Resistant already see.
Today’s leaders are no one’s future. Their end is nigh given their profound limitations. Perhaps it is time for the Resistant to emerge and have their say.
This post was inspired by a comment I read from
where he outlines the “Schizoid vs Psychopath” theory of history.
Imagine a dozen people attending a meeting, where one of them will be selected for employment once the tests are done. In the middle of the room is a turd on the floor. There's also a scoop and brush next to the waste basket in the corner, plus the normal one-size-fits-none office furniture.
If the turd is brought up, you will always have 1-3 people who vociferously declare they didn't put it there, they don't know who did, and that it's not their job to remove it.
Never, ever, hire these or allow them any position with any authority. They have just demonstrated their inability to put the job before their ego.
You will also have 1-2 who'll upon seeing the turd and the scoop and brush will remove the turd, put it in the garbage bag in the waste basket, tie the bag shut, go into the hallway and look for a bigger waste-bin plus the lavatory (to wash their hands). They will do this almost automatically, without making a fuss about it: it's something that needs doing, so it's being done.
These are the people you want. Their training, background, degrees et cetera are secondary: they can be trained in whatever is needed on the job. More importantly, they can be relied on to always get the job done, and to complain loudly to you if silly crap is preventing them from git'r'done.
I've participated in a study on this subject, though turds weren't used. Very edifying. On that subject, the which-letter-combination-are-you-personality-tests sold to companies to sort applicants? Toss them in the bin - any such test is a sure-fire way to maximise the number of narcissists in your workforce.
Because they will study to the test.
It seems a stretch to me to call "abnormal" the behaviors of the masses/majority called "Normals." Or...maybe not a stretch, but a very optimistic view of human nature.
After all, it is their (majority) behaviors that dictate the behaviors, systems, and institutions against which the minority of "resistants" push back (as time, energy, and other resources allow...or when inextricably cast as prey/backed into various corners by this predation).
In my view the baseline issue is the nature and panoply of punishments that are inflicted on people for ever daring to exercise independent judgment or even questioning. And as any kid who ever got kicked out of Sunday school or theology glass can tell you, or later, kicked out of a college class or sentenced to a struggle session at work, the thing that bonds the Normals most tightly, and energizes them, is their power to punish, and their taste for punishing.
The "covid" operation should have seared that into everyone's brains.
Where I live (outside Pugetopolis) what I see are the Normals in a state of death-porn-flavored Edge. Post "covid," they are twitchy and hot and huffing for their next chance to exercise the delicious Stasi-esque doomgasms of attacking strangers, ruining their lives, and defining them as evil. While sharing media links underscoring their superiority, and instructing them on the day's fashions in derogative stereotypes of and acceptable attacks on anyone who dissents in the least.
Also, for what it's worth, you use psychiatrized terms like "Cluster B." Psychiatry and psychology are among the most vicious, predatory discourses, whose Normal practitioners have immense power to turn any acts of dissent or resistance into literal fuel for no-limits Gulag treatment. As any boy can tell you who got drugged into submission for not wanting to sit down, shut up, fold his hands, and be tractable in the feminized Gulag of forced public schooling.
> a culture of orchestrated visibility
Guy Debord, "Society of the Spectacle." 57 years ago.